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【 「まん延防止措置(まん延防止等重点措置)」を英語で 】
新型コロナウイルス対策で、複数の県が対象となっている「まん延防止措置(まん延防止等重点措置)」。飲食店に対する時短要請やマスク着用等の感染防止措置の周知徹底などが内容となっていますが、これを 英語 でお知らせするには?
Preventive measures against COVID-19
Stronger antivirus measures
Stricter countermeasures to prevent the spread of the virus
Tighter COVID-19 measures
Intensive measures to prevent the spread of the deadly virus
Semi-emergency coronavirus measures
- 「まん延防止措置」の正式な英語訳はありません。あえて訳すなら、Preventive measures against COVID-19(コロナウイルスに対する予防策)でしょうか。
- ただ、今回の措置はより重点的に実施するということで、stronger や stricter などの表現を使うと「強化」のニュアンスが伝わります。Intensive は「集中的な」、Semi-emergency は「緊急事態宣言ほどではないけれども、同じような危機感のある」の意味合いになります。
Tighter anti-virus measures were issued for multiple prefectures.
Stronger preventive measures began in several prefectures.
The measures include fines for restaurants and drinking establishments that ignore mandates to shortened operating hours.
【 「長崎県独自の緊急事態宣言」を英語で言うには? 】
Nagasaki declared its own State of Emergency.
Nagasaki issued its own Prefectural State of Emergency.
A Local State of Emergency was declared by Nagasaki prefecture.
- 「独自の」は its own を使って表現できます。Local も「地域の」を意味する便利な言葉です。
【 「医療危機事態宣言」を英語で言うには? 】
A Medical State of Emergency was declared across Nagasaki prefecture.
Nagasaki declared a Local Medical Emergency within Nagasaki prefecture.
In response to a rapid rise in coronavirus cases including cases involving variant strains, Nagasaki prefectural government raised its own coronavirus alert level from stage 4 to stage 5 for the first time, and declared a Medical State of Emergency to all local cities.
- 変異株 variant strain, variant, mutant strain
- 県独自の流行段階 Coronavirus alert level, Pandemic alert level
- 県内全域 across Nagasaki, to all cities in Nagasaki, to all local cities
In “stage 5”, shortening of business hours, temporary closing of business, avoiding organizing of events, and avoiding non-essential and non-urgent outings will be requested to all cities across the prefecture, and all facilities managed by the prefectural government will be closed.
コロナウィルスの記事 / Coronavirus articles
英語フレーズの記事 / English Phrases articles
![](http://saseboechan.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/3人 似顔絵キャラ-1024x356.jpg)