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佐世保市立図書館で毎月行われている「英語 de おはなし会」。米海軍佐世保基地のラジオ局であるAFN Sasebo の方々が、英語で絵本の読み聞かせをしてくれるイベントです。
米軍関連のボランティア団体の協力によるものがほとんどで、「生の英語」に気軽に触れられるのは、佐世保ならではではないでしょうか♪ 詳しくは [コチラ] から!
“Eigo de Ohanashi kai” is a free book reading event by AFN Sasebo staff held monthly at Sasebo City Library. Everyone is welcome, no reservation needed.
What’s the event like? Check the video to see!
This time we also played Hokey Pokey which was really fun as well!
Did you know Sasebo City Library regularly offers various English events for local kids and adults? And most of them are supported by members from the Base such as AFN and Naval Church. For more details, click [HERE] (Japanese only).
Thanks guys for your contribution to fulfill Sasebo’s promise to one day become a bilingual city!