Hello everyone! Since the state of emergency was lifted, our life in Sasebo has been slowly getting back to normal. Today’s English-friendly shop, Koron reopened on June 1st. The locally beloved burger shop is famous for its delicious huge burgers.
Koron’s Karaage Burger is its new signature food. Between 14-cm buns, there are Fried chiken Thigh, creme cheese, sliced onion, leaves of lettuce. The sauce is its special tartar sauce! Look at this picture above. It looks yummy! The sizes of its burgers are relatively big compared to other shops in Sasebo. Maybe it is a real American size. Even a normal cheese burger like the picture below.

Here is another interesting information. Only on weekend, Koron offers a secret dish. It’s bacon and cheese curry. It’s a huge portion, but only 500 yen! Because it’s a secret offer. it’s not on the menu. If you say to the staff “Curry Kudasai (Can I have a curry and rice?) ” , you will get the weekend delicious jumbo curry !
You can park your car on a supermarket across the road. English menu is available.

More photos and the map from here, information provided by SAFEE :
Hours:12:00 – 19:00
Closed: Wed
Address:2578-8 Hiu-chou, Sasebo
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/UaT3nhXohmdkj1CW6
看板メニューは、signature dish / foodなどと呼ばれます。 定番メニューは regular item。裏メニューは、海外にもあるかは不明ですが、secret dish としました。
日宇町のKoronさんが6月1日に営業を再開されました! 新看板メニューのカラアゲバーガーも健在でしたよ。こちらのお店は、バーガーのサイズが大きいんです! チーズバーガーでも食べ応えがありますよ。料金もリーズナブル! SAFEEさんの記事にある裏メニューのベーコンとチーズのカレー(なんと500円!)は、週末のみの提供だそう。