【Event: EVANGELION and Japanese Swords/イベント:ヱヴァンゲリヲンと日本刀展 in 佐世保】

Start: Apr.13, 2019 End: May 12, 2019

EVANGELION and Japanese Swords Exhibition will be held from Saturday, April 13 to Sunday, May 12 at Sasebo City Museum Shimanose Art Center! Greatest swordsmiths were challenged to create the world of EVANGELION, one of the most famous and controversial anime series in Japanese animation history!

Provided by 佐世保市博物館島瀬美術センター

The exhibition features new swords and spears made by famous swordsmiths including Miyairi Kozaemon Yukihira, the son of National Treasure Miyairi Yukihira. He collaborated with Ikuto Yamashita, a mechanical designer of EVANGELION and created his brand new sword named “Natayanagi” .

Also, there will be a pop-up shop selling 500 items of EVANGELION goods and a photo booth. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness a unique world of both animation and traditional Japanese art.

Provided by 佐世保市博物館島瀬美術センター

EVANGELION and Japanese Swords
・4/13(Sat.) ー 5/12 (Sun.)
・10:00 ー 18:00(must enter by 17:30)
・Sasebo City Museum Shimanose Art Center
・Fee : Adults 1,000 yen, Students 800 yen,
Junior high students or younger children 500 yen
Early bird tickets are available at Kawashimo records, and Lawson ticket (L code: 82384)
※see the English instruction below when buying tickets at Lawson
https://l-tike.com/guide/loppi_english.html (lawson ticket HP)


日本刀の職人たちが アニメ「ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版」の世界からインスピレーションを受け、現代デザインの日本刀を制作 ! 山下いくとさん (同アニメのメカニックデザイナー)と宮入一門渾身のコラボ作品「刀野薙(なたやなぎ)」を筆頭に、アニメで登場した武器をモチーフにした作品など全26点が展示されます!



exhibition 展示、展示会
Japanese sword 日本刀
spear 槍
swordsmith 刀鍛冶
controversial (形容詞)議論の的になる(物議を呼ぶ)
pop-up shop 期間限定のお店
early bird ticket 前売り券

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