Must-See Spot: Azalea on Nagushi-yama and Northern Kujukushima|佐世保の絶景:長串山のツツジと北九十九島(英語の解説付き)

updated on 3/30/2023


If you live in Sasebo or plan to visit Sasebo this spring, you are extremely lucky to have a chance to see this breathtaking view. Nagushiyama Azalea Festival will be held from Saturday, April 8 to Friday, April 28, 2023. One hundred thousand azalea flowers will blanket the slopes of Nagushi-yama Park. You will be amazed by a carpet of red and pink azaleas against the backdrop of the azure blue Kujukushima sea.

Photo provided by(公財)佐世保観光コンベンション協会

When is the best time to go and see the flowers?

Two kinds of azaleas are planted on Nagushiyama Park. One is the Kurume azalea which has a short height with small pretty petals. The Kurume azalea will be at its best in mid to late April (dates may vary due to weather conditions). Another is the Hirado azalea, which has a tall height and large gorgeous petals. It will be in full bloom a little later then the Kurume azalea.

About Nagushi-yama Park and the Festival

During Nagushiyama Azalea Festival, a lot of fun events will be held every weekend. There is also a 100-meter roller slide and a playground for the kids in the park. So that you can have wonderful time with your family and friends all day!

Nagushiyama Azalea Festival
April 8 (Sat.) to April 28 (Fri.), 2023
Place: 174-12 Nagushi Shikamachi-cho, Sasebo
Parking: available
Fee: 500 yen for adults, 400 yen for persons 70 years old and older,
250 yen for junior/senior high school students, free for elementary students and younger.

Sunset From Nagushi-yama Park

Nagushi-yama Park is one of the best sunset viewing spots in Sasebo. If you are a photography enthusiast who has a craving for nature’s beauty, visit this park in the evening since the park is still open after regular operating hours.

Photo provided by(公財)佐世保観光コンベンション協会


絶景は、”息をのむような眺め”という意味で、breathtaking viewとしましたが、magnificent/majestic scenery(壮大な景色)などでも表せます。viewは、特定の場所から見る眺め、vistaは、高い所から見下ろす美しい眺めのこと。一方、sceneryはもっと広い範囲の景色、風景を指します。その他、類語にpanorama(パノラマ、全景)やprospect(見晴らし)がありますよ

azalea ツツジ
blanket the slopes of Nagushi-yama Park 長串山公園の山肌を(花が)覆う
against the backdrop of ~を背景に
azure blue 真っ青な空
a photography enthusiast 写真愛好家
crave for ~を切望する

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