福井洞窟~旧石器時代に思いを馳せる|Fukui Cave – Nationally Designated Stone Age Settlement in Nagasai【長崎県 吉井・佐々へプチトリップ②】

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旧石器時代といえば、まだ氷河期! 平均気温が今よりも7~8度低かったころから温暖化するまで、人々がどう生き抜いてきたのか、そんなことに思いを馳せると、先史時代の遺跡に興味のない人も、きっとエモい気分になるはず。

After we enjoyed delicious handmade soba at Saza no Ki (Toki), we went to Fukui Cave in Yoshii Cho. It took about 10 minutes by car from the restaurant.

Fukui Cave is an old human settlement where ancient people seem to have lived from the Paleolithic period to the Jomon period. Approximately 70,000 items have been found there, including Paleolithic hunting tools and Jomon pottery pieces. Stone tools from more than 30,000 years ago were excavated from the lowest stratum!

The Paleolithic era is still in the ice age. The average temperature at the time was 7 to 8 degrees lower than now. Imagine how people survived from the ice age to the following warmed period. That will make you feel a little emotional even if you’re not keen on prehistorical remains.

The cave is in the premises of Inari Shrine. Don’t forget to worship before you walk around.

The cave is a sandstone cave formed by the erosion of the Fukui River.

福井洞窟|Fukui Cave

長崎県佐世保市吉井町福井 MAP 

Fukui Yoshii-cho, Sasebo, Nagasaki MAP
Parking and restroom available
English friendliness: High

動画などはコチラから / See video from here

福井洞窟ミュージアムにも行ってみよう|Visit Also Fukui Cave Museum

ミュージアムの情報はコチラから / Read the information about the museum from here.

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