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【秋ランしてきました~ / Go team! Autumn run】
On a sunny autumn day, Yuki sensei and Rie sensei decided to go for a run in the City!
【「皇居ラン」ならぬ「ニミッツパークラン」/ Not the Imperial Palace Run, but Nimitz Park Run! 】
In Tokyo, running course around the Imperial Palace is very popular. Here in Sasebo, we decided to do a “Nimitz Park Run”! Starting point was Albuquerque Bridge.

アルバカーキ橋を左に曲がる → 信号交差点の橋を左に曲がる → 佐世保川沿いの紅葉が色づいてきました → 市民文化ホールを見ながら → 消防署前を通り過ぎます
Turn left at Albuquerque Bridge → turn left at bridge at crossing → leaves along Sasebo River were starting to color → run past Sasebo Citizen’s Cultural Hall → then past fire station

自衛隊佐世保病院を左手に → 壁画?の前を通って~ → スケボーパークの角を左に曲がり → BBQ広場を通り過ぎ → スイミングプールの横を通ります
JSDF Hospital is on our left → past some mural? → turn left at skateboard park → past BBQ space → go past swimming pool

佐世保川に戻りました → 橋が見えてきた!あとちょっと!
Back to Sasebo River → We see the Bridge! Almost there!

Back where we started. Well done!
【1周目のデータ 1st lap data】

1.7キロほどをだいたい15分。82kcal 消費。体力的には…意外とまだいけそう!もう一周行っちゃう!?
We ran about a mile, for about 15 min. Burned 82 kcal. We can still keep going! Up for another lap?
【2周目は歩きで Walked 2nd lap 】
2週目は無理なく歩きで。We decided to take it easy and walk the second lap.

I wasn’t sure if I’d make it but unexpectedly did! Running together was a lot of fun!
Definitely. When you see other people running, you feel affinity with them which increases your motivation.
【今回のルート Our route】

【ランの後… After the run…】
How were we after the run?
Because running improves your blood and lymph flow, the sense of refreshment is different from what you’d get after doing a muscle training. You can enjoy the scenery too.
Honestly, my thighs started to ache immediately after the run. Especially the back of my thighs, the hamstrings were killing me. So I asked my friend who is a sports coach how to stretch and I was fine the next day. It was fun all together!

By the way we used this app to keep track of all data. It was very useful!