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ハウステンボスの長崎県在住のお客様限定(入場条件付き)オープン期間が6月18日(木)までに延長されました! あじさい祭の開催と重なるので、見逃せませんね。あじさいの見頃は6月10前後になる見込みです。
(一律 大人・中人1,000円、小学生500円、未就学児 無料)
Nagasaki’s Huis Ten Bosch is currently running its business on a limited basis to the residents of Nagasaki prefecture. The period is extended to Thursday, June 18! You can’t miss this opportunity since amazing Hydrangea Festival will being held during this time period. According to their forecast, hydrangeas will reach full bloom around June 10.
The admission will still be 1,000 yen!
(Adult & Middle/Senior Middle School Student 1,000 yen, Primary School Student 500 yen, Preschool Child is free of charge)
You’ll need an ID (driver’s licence, health insurance card, bill charged to Nagasaki address etc) to prove your residency in Nagasaki prefecture.
Also, there’ll be other conditions such as: no travelling beyond the Nagasaki border within past 2 weeks, no symptoms of fever, tiredness or cold within past 2 weeks, and you’ll need to wear a mask. For other conditions, check HERE.
More restaurants and shops have opened in June, but all attractions, some restaurants and shops will still continue to be closed. Some areas may also have limited access.
So, it seems you should go to enjoy walks and sceneries instead of the purpose of rides. (Of course, don’t forget to continue to keep distance!)
For more information on admission and business hours, check Huis Ten Bosch official website (English).