【佐世保要塞 丸出山観測所跡】佐世保観光マイスター と行く!タクローツアーズ①【九十九島が佐世保で一番きれいに見れる場所でおしゃれピクニックしてきました~】Most beautiful view of 99 islands – Marudeyama Battery Observatory Site with Takuro Tours Sasebo

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【観光マイスターに佐世保の歴史遺産を案内してもらいました!/ Sasebo’s Tourism Meister took us around city’s historical heritage!】

タクローさん / Mr. Takuro

We went on a historical heritage tour and a picnic with Sasebo’s “Gold Tourism Meister (Master of Sasebo Toursim) ” Takuro Yoshikawa!  

出発!/ Here we go!

向かった先は、佐世保要塞 丸出山観測所跡(させぼようさい・まるでやまかんそくじょあと)というところ。丸出山堡塁(まるでやまほうるい)との別名も。詳しくはココをクリック。


Our destination was Marudeyama Battery Site at Sasebo Fort of Former Army. What is it? Click HERE.

【丸出山バッテリー(丸出山堡塁) Marudeyama Battery】

こんな感じで歩いて行きましたよ / View of our walk


It is about 15-20 min walk up a winding road, then you proceed through a private property. In the video, Mr. Takuro is explaining about English bond, a type of brick boding.

この景色!!/ This view!!!


In Sasebo there are 8 places that are certified by the City as “Eight Views of Kujukushima (99 islands)“. Mr. Takuro says this Marudeyama Battery is his personal Ninth.

こんな素晴らしいショットも撮れます / Great photo spot!

【バッテリーでピクニック!Pinic at the Battery! 】


Our another objective of this trip was to have a kawaii picnic!

カップルで来たら最高!/ It’s a perfect spot for couples!!


By the way our main dish for lunch was Sasebo Burger from Log Kit at JR Sasebo station.

【ヤギもいる!遊びポイント満載 Goats! You can have so much fun】


There are goats nearby. You can explore around the battery, play tag… ways to enjoy are endless!

【九十九島が世界で一番きれいに撮れる場所 The place where you can take best photos of 99 islands】


So the photos we took aren’t the best, but we bet this is the best location for taking 99 islands photos!

この日は観光船「みらい」が見えました!/ We saw Mirai, an excursion boat of 99 islands

【アクセス Access】

これが目印!ここから登っていきます / Start from this point. Walk up a small mountain!

〒857-1235 長崎県佐世保市俵ヶ浦町 [MAP] (白浜海水浴場から上記目印までは徒歩30分)

Marudeyama Battery Site at Sasebo Fort of Former Army
Tawaragaura-cho, Sasebo [MAP] (Walk from Shirahama beach to the point above is about 30 min)
Note: there’s no bathroom!

【楽しかった~!We had so much fun!】

To be honest I wasn’t expecting much when I heard “historical heritage site” and “former army”, but this place was so much fun!

Agree. The view was fantastic and the place was excellent to go with friends, and for couples and families. Just make sure you go to the bathroom before you climb.


Thank you Mr. Takuro!We’re looking forward to our next Takuro Tours!

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