We met a high school English teacher, Tsai Min-Hsuan (Alice). She loves leaning and teaching English.“l love the English language since it brought me to Japan even though I couldn’t speak Japanese.”
日本語の記事 「去年9月に台湾からやってきた英語の先生「蔡旻軒」さんの佐世保ライフに迫る!!」は「月刊ならでわ!」さんのWebサイトへ。

We met a high school English teacher, Tsai Min-Hsuan (Alice). She came to Sasebo, Nagasaki from Taiwan last September, and has been teaching English at Sasebo Jitsugyo High School since then. “l love the English language. I can communicate with people around the world and the English language even brought me Japan even though I couldn’t speak Japanese,” says Alice.

Before coming to Japan she worked in a different industry in Taipei, so teaching English overseas was a huge career change for her. For 10 months in Sasebo, she has been working hard to improve her teaching skills. Her mission is to teach students how fun the English language is to learn. Sometimes high school students are overwhelmed by studying for English exams, so she’s hoping students will be able to enjoy learning and take advantage of all the benefits from improving their English language abilities.

Through her life as a teacher, Alice has gotten used to life in Japan and improved the Japanese language ability. As she says, “Students are my Japanese teacher,” she is getting more comfortable with daily conversation little by little.
Alice is posting her daily life on her Instagram. Do check it out.

Alice chose to live with roommates when she moved over to Sasebo. She found an interesting place to live on the internet. Since she was interested in kominka (old house) renovation, which is a regional movement in Japan, Share House Sasebo, a renovated Japanese-style shared residence caught her eye. The house has a homely and friendly atmosphere. She describes her roommates like a family that she can talk about anything. They split house chores, eat dinner together, and go out on weekends. Alice sometimes cooks Taiwanese food for them.
Although Share House Sasebo is currently full, the shared residence accepts roommates regardless of gender and nationality. To see the latest information, check its Instagram. The night view from the house is amazing!

One of Alice’s favorite sceneries is the view from the bus when commuting. It’s a landscape typical of Sasebo with the SSK cranes and the blue sea. She says Sasebo is a very comfortable place to live. Her favorite restaurants are Kuche, a cute cafe in town, Yoshidaya for Japanese-style breakfast, and Good Coffee Labo for an artisan coffee.
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This article was created in collaboration with the local free magazine “Monthly Naradewa!” Each month, we interview residents living in Sasebo on the theme of “Intercultural Experiences using English in Sasebo”. Here are some past featured articles listed below.この記事は、佐世保のフリーペーパー「月刊ならでわ!」と共同で制作しています。毎月、「英語で交わるまちSASEBO」をテーマに、佐世保に住む外国人にインタビュー。過去の注目記事はこちら↓↓