On Sunday, January 7th, E-chan’s Yuki participated in a big zumba event “New Year Zumba Bash” at Sasebo Citizens’ Cultural Hall. It was a collab event between Caroline and Kana who are both English-friendly instructors based in Sasebo. Zumba is a Latin-inspired fitness exercise. It was a 75-minute nonstop event. Yuki wondered if she had enough stamina.
1月7日(日)、英語OKなスンバのイベントがあると聞いて、EチャンのYuki先生が参加してきました。佐世保を拠点に活動するインストラクター、キャロライン先生と加菜先生の合同イベント「New Year Zumba Bash」です。ズンバとは、ラテン系の音楽で踊るフィットネス・エクササイズ。本イベントは、なんと75分間、踊りっぱなし! Yuki先生はついていけるのでしょうか…

The event kicked off with some upbeat hit songs. Caroline and Kana were super cool! As soon as they kicked into gear, all the participants started getting excited. The participants were able to dance on stage whenever they wanted to. Regardless of age, nationality, or dancing level, the people who enjoyed the most were the winners. In a sense, Zumba is similar to Yosakoi dance, but it is also more like a workout. We were able to burn calories in every part of our body.
序盤からアップテンポな曲でスタート。壇上で踊るインストラクターの2人がカッコいい! 会場をめちゃくちゃ盛り上げてくれます。参加者も自由にステージへ。年齢、国籍、踊りのレベルを問わず、楽しんだ者勝ちという感じです。そういう意味ではYOSAKOIに通じますが、もっとワークアウト寄り。体の気になる部分の脂肪をガンガン燃やせるっ!

Hard exercises such as doing squats and boxing were included from time to time, but the pace slowed down before it became too hard. We could take a break and drink water anytime. So we had no problem dancing for 75 minutes.

Anyway, it was impressive that the eighty-three participants danced together in the hall!

Yuki tried Zumba for the first time. She never imagined it was that much fun. Some participants came from as far away as Okinawa and Hokkaido. It’s no wonder why they are so into the dance. Here is our conclusion: we definitely recommend Zumba for exercising!
正直、ズンバがこんなに楽しいとは思ってもみませんでした。 参加者の中には、沖縄や北海道から駆けつけた人も。ハマるのも納得です。結論!エクササイズにズンバはオススメです!

【Instructor Bio| 講師プロフィール】

Caroline Kim
Korean-American Zumba instructor with 7 years of teaching experience. Speaks English, Korean, and Japanese. She holds Zumba classes every Friday at the Sasebo Nishichiku Community Center. For more info, DM her on Instagram @sasebo_zumba
キャロライン・キム 先生
韓国系アメリカ人。ズンバ講師歴7年、英語・韓国語・日本語OK。佐世保市西地区公民館で毎週金曜、ズンバ教室を開催中。詳細&お問い合わせは Instagram @sasebo_zumba
Kana Crump
Bilingual Zumba instructor with 8 years of teaching experience. Teaching at Sports Club Renaissance, Konami Sports, and Gold’s Gym in Sasebo. For more info, DM her on Instagram @kanacrump
クランプ 加菜 先生
市内のスポーツクラブ・ルネサンス、コナミスポーツ、ゴールドジムでズンバ教室開催中。お問い合わせはInstagram @kanacrump