【Sign Up by Sep.2】Nico Nico Water Tug War in Sasebo Seaside Festival |【申し込みは9/2日まで】にこにこ水上綱引き大会 in シーフェス

After two years of absence, Sasebo Seaside Festival will be back on September 10th and 11th, 2022. The venie is Sasebo City General Sports Ground. Under the the theme “Enjoy the seaside festival together, and have a big smile in Sasebo”, various fun events will be held. One of them is Nico Nico Water Tug War held on Saturday, September 10th. Form a team of 5 people, and join the game. The winner’s prize is 100, 000 yen max. So you can’t miss it!

今年のシーフェスこと、させぼシーサイドフェスティバルは、9月10、11日に開催されます。場所は佐世保市総合グラウンド。2022年は「みんなdeシーフェス・させぼde最高の笑顔を」をテーマに、いろんな催しが企画されていますよ。1日目の9月10日(土)には、“伝説の!?” 水上綱引き大会が復活! こちらも優勝賞金は最高10万円とのこと。暑い夏の締めくくりに、水上綱引きで盛り上がりませんか? 1チーム5名で申し込みください。

【How to sign up|申し込み方法】

Visit the following official website and download an application form. Then mail, Fax or email it to Sasebo seaside festival executive committee. Anyone can join, but unfortunately the application form and game summary are Japanese only. So, Japanese assistance will be needed.

公式ホームページより申込用紙をダウンロードして、実行委員会まで郵送またはFAX、メールにてお申し込みください。国籍土わず参加可能! 申し込み用紙は日本語のみですが、ぜひ外国人のお友達も誘ってご参加ください。

【Nico Nico Water Tug War|にこにこ水上綱引き大会】

Date:Saturday, September 10th
Place: the pool in Sasebo City General Sports Ground
Entry fee: 
General 10,000yen, Women 5,000 yen, Elementary students 3,000yen
*A team should consist of 5 people.
*The total weight must be less than:
General 400kg, Women 300kg, Elementary students N/A

参加費 :一般 10,000円、女子の部 5,000円、小学生の部 3,000円

To prevent spread of COVID-19| 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大予防対策

(1)Please note that the following persons are not allowed to enter or attend the game.
・Fever >37.5°C (99.5°F), malaise, cough, sore throat, and so on.
・If you have had lose contact with a person who has been confirmed or suspected of having a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), follow a guidance from Health Care Service.

(2)Wear a mask properly inside the venue except participants in competition.
(3)Do not shout when cheering.
(4)Follow other instructions from the Festival executive committee.
その他対策は させぼシーサイドフェスティバル2022に準じます。

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