“Ukiyo-e of HIROSHIGE” will be held from Saturday, October 26 to Sunday, December 8! Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) is one of the most famous Ukiyo-e artists of the Edo period. His lyrical landscape paintings influenced the Post-Impressionists in France including Vincent van Gogh.
At this exhibition, you will be able to see his representative works such as “Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō Road (東海道五拾三次) ” , “The Fifty-three Famous Sights Series (五十三次名所図会) ” and “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (名所江戸百景) ” . Total 200 pieces of ukiyo-e paintings will be displayed, which includes works from other famous ukiyo-e artists such as Eizan, Toyokuni and Kunisada.
Ukiyo-e of HIROSHIGE
Sasebo City Museum Shimanose Art Center
Date: Oct.26 (Sat.) to Dec.8 (Sun.)
Time: 10 am to 6 pm (Last entry: 5:30 pm)
※Open until 8 pm on Fri, Sat, and the day before Japanese holidays.
Admission Fee: 1200 yen
High school and college students 1000 yen
junior high student 800 yen
Advance tickets: 200 yen off! available at Nomado coffee (inside the museum), Sasebo Convention & Visitors Association, Art Square Lib, Kawashimo Record, Nagasaki Hamaya, Seven Eleven
Ukiyo-e of HIROSHIGE × Nagatanien Cooking Workshop on Nov. 17 (Sun)
As a collaboration event with Nagatanien, selling a famous instant Ochazuke with Hiroshige’s ukiyo-e on it, A cooking workshop will be held on Sunday, Nov. 17. It will introduce easy to make lunch using the instant Ochazuke. One of the teachers is our very own Naoko- sensei from Japanese recipe corner ! Non Japanese speakers are welcome. A few spots are still open. Contact Naoko-senseo’s facebook page for more information.
Uk Ukiyo-e of HIROSHIGE × Nagatanien Cooking Workshop
Sasebo City Museum Shimanose Art Center
Date: Nov 17 from 10 : 30 am to 2 pm
Admission Fee: 1500 yen
Menu: Camembert cheese rice croquette, Meat crepe, Butter boiled apples
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/naoko.mori.921?epa=SEARCH_BOX
佐世保市博物館島瀬美術センターで、来月10月26日(土曜日)から「広重展」が始まります! なんと、不動の名作「東海道五拾三次 」55品すべてが展示されるとのことですよ。 ゴッホをはじめとするフランスのポスト印象派に影響を与えた歌川広重の浮世絵を、ぜひともご覧ください!
広重といえば永谷園のお茶づけの絵でおなじみですね! そこで 11月17日(日)、永谷園のお茶づけ を使ったワークショップ「永谷園のお茶づけでかんたんランチをつくろう!」が開催されるそう。講師として、Eチャンのレシピコーナーでおなじみの森なおこ先生が参加! 外国人歓迎のイベントなので、国際交流を兼ねて参加してみてはいかがでしょうか? お申込みは10月31日まで(詳細は下記リンクを参照)
本日は絵画に関する表現をご紹介します。絵などの「作品」は、 artwork, work (of art), piece (of art) などで表せます。 representative work 代表作、masterpiece 名作、傑作も一緒に覚えちゃいましょう。
lyrical 叙情的な, landscape painting 風景画、Post-Impressionists ポスト印象派 、 exhibition 展覧会、instant 即席のCamembert cheese カマンベールチーズ
One thought on “【Sasebo Art】Ukiyo-e of HIROSHIGE starts on Oct. 26 | Sasebo City Museum Shimanose Art Center | 【島瀬美術センター】佐世保初の「広重展」10月26日開幕! | 英語レシピ”