7/1(土) 、佐世保市ニミッツパークで米国独立記念日イベントが開催されます。米軍関係者以外の日本人も入場可能です。ただし、入り口で写真付きの身分証明書(マイナンバーカード/運転免許証/パスポート/障がい者手帳)をご提示ください(期限切れは不可)。中高生は学生証も可。小学生以下は保護者同伴が必須となります。
米海軍佐世保基地 独立記念日イベント
・場所:〒857-0056 長崎県佐世保市島瀬町11−6
On Saturday July 1st, Independence Day Event hosted by Commander, U.S. Fleet Activities Sasebo (CFAS) will be held at Nimitz Park in Sasebo city. Free entry, but a government issued photo ID (my number card/driver’s license/passport/disability identification card) is required at the entrance. Middle and high school students must bring their student IDs, and elementary school students and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
And the event’s signature, fireworks viewing will start at 8:30 p.m! There will be food and beverage stands (yen accepted), games, band performances, and more!
Wear your favorite red, white, and blue attire and celebrate America’s birthday together!
Independence Day Celebration at Nimiz Park
・Date&Time:Saturday July 1st, 2023 at 4 to 9 pm
・Place:11-6 Shimanose-cho, Sasebo-shi, Nagasaki [MAP]
・Parking:Nearby tool parking lots.
For more info: Check the images on our Instagram. 詳しくはEチャンのインスタの画像をチェック!