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【観光マイスターによる歴史遺産ツアー第三弾!/ 3nd historical heritage tour with Sasebo’s Tourism Meister!】

For the third episode of Takuro Tours, we went to see remains of an anti-aircraft battery site on the top of Mt. Yumihari. Our tour guide is of course Sasebo’s “Gold Tourism Meister (Master of Sasebo Toursim) ” Takuro Yoshikawa!
弓張岳にある田島岳…と読んで「んん?」となった人も多いのでは? 海軍では弓張岳のことを“田島岳”と呼んでいたのだそうです。なるほど!と納得したところでツアースタート!
Mt. Yumihar used to be known as Mt.Tajima by the Japanese navy. Mt.Yumihari is one of the best vistas in Sasebo, but this time we visited here on an educational field trip. Let’s start our tour!

広い駐車場には大きなトイレも完備! その横の階段を登ったら、展望台とは反対の左へ進みます。
Park your car at the same parking lot as Mt.Yumihari Observatory. Go pass the restroom and turn left. It’s the opposite direction of the observatory.

Go up the stairs at the end.
【電波探信儀(レーダー)跡/ Rader Site】

目の前に飛び込んでくるのは、電波探信儀(レーダー)の跡。 現在は野外ステージに改造されています。ステージで踊るタクローさんとRie先生がこんなに小さく見えるほど広い!
When you arrive at the top of the hill, the first thing that catches your eyes is a rader site. This facility was turned into an outdoor stage. Look at how huge the facility is. Dancing Rie-sensei and Takuro-san look tiny.

There used to be a radar unit. Three Mark 4 Model 1 (tentative name) at the center of this facility. It was the first rader developed for anti-aircraft fire that was put into practical use in Japan. And it was actually used during the Sasebo Air Raid in June of 1945.
【高射砲台砲座跡 / Emplacement Sites for Anti-aircraft Batteries.】
奥へ進むと、高射砲台砲座跡が見えてきます。円形の中心には、高射砲が装備されていました。高射砲とは、 地上から航空機を攻撃するための火砲のこと(下の実物写真を参照)。秋月型駆逐艦の主砲だったものを流用していたようです。
After you pass the rader site, you will see two emplacement sites for the anti aircraft batteries. Each facility was equipped with a twin anti-aircraft gun which was once used as a main gun on an Akizuki-class destroyer.

Look at this unique shape! The caves around the circle were used for storage of the ammunition. They were arranged to load the gun quickly from any direction.

【森の中にも何かが… / More to see in the woods】

There also seems to be something in the woods behind the second emplacements. Let’s follow Takuro-san.

What we found was the brick remains of the magazine used to store ammunition for anti-aircraft guns. It’s hauntingly wonderful.
【華麗なるアフタヌーンティー!/ Gorgeous Afternoon Tea】

田島岳高射砲台跡には、あちこちでお弁当が食べられるテーブルとベンチがあります。そこでEチャンでは、紅茶とスイーツを用意して、アフタヌーンティーを楽しみました! どうです? この優雅な雰囲気!
There are tables and benches where you can have a picnic, so we brought tea and snacks for afternoon tea. How elegant the atmosphere is!

These are just usual tea and shop-bought sweets and snacks. But when you eat them outside with your friends, they taste much better than in your own house.

桜の木がたくさんあるので、これからは花見も一緒に楽しめそう! なんて話してたら、ちらほら開花し始めました。
The best time of the year for picnics is about to begin. The cherry blossoms in the park have just begun to bloom!
佐世保市東大久保町405 [MAP ] 駐車場あり
405 Higashi-ookubo cho, Sasebo [MAP] Parking available
【弓張岳展望台からの絶景もお見逃しなく~!Don forget to see the vista from Mt. Yumihari observatory!】