食彩の里 よかばい相浦の絶品ソフトクリーム!|Amazing Soft-serve Ice Cream 【Farm Stand in Sasebo】

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Amazing Soft-serve Ice Cream | 絶品ソフトクリーム

After we ate juicy, succulent, and amazing mango, we also had soft-serve ice cream at Yokabai Ainoura (Instagram @yokabaiainoura). The ice cream is made from fresh fruits grown at their own farm. We chose mango & vanilla from different flavors (mango, mango & vanilla, vanilla, blueberry and more). It was so delicious! You can taste the richness and sweetness of a real mango.

食彩の里 よかばい相浦で、マンゴーをいただいたあとは、ソフトクリームもゲットしました! 旬のフルーツを使ったソフトクリームは350円!Rie先生とYuki先生は、マンゴー&バニラを食べましたが、マンゴーの甘味がしっかりと感じられて、とっても美味しい!

Blueberries from their own farm |自社農園で採れたブルーベリー

Quality blueberries (branded as aiai no shizuku ) caught our eyes. These are also from their own farm. Each grain is big and shining! We couldn’t help buying them. In addition, there will be locally grown vegetables, raw fish (sashimi), honey, and more.


Yokabai Ainoura(よかばい相浦)

📍 1770-1 Ainoura-cho, Sasebo MAP
🕔8 am – 6 pm
Closed:1/1- 1/4
Instagram : @yokabaiainoura

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