【Bakery Shop in Sasebo 】Fuwari No Pan | 佐世保のベーカリーならココ! ふわりのぱん【日野町】



Today we are going to introduce you to a newly-opened bakery shop, “Fuwari No Pan (ふわりのぱん)”
The concept of this shop is that of a laboratory for bread baking. ” I want to bake as many different types of loaves and rolls, as possible. I want to create new recipes that have never done before.” , says Koji, the owner. He offers around 60 different kinds of bread every day while always varying the contents of the showcase. Many of his creations are totally original or limited to each season. Yuki-sensei highly recommends its authentic French bread such as baguette, pain de campagne, raisin rolls, and croissants. If you aren’t keen on fluffy and soft Japanese-style bread, this shop is just the place for you. By the way, their focaccias and sweet pastries are amazing too!


As I have previously stated, the rolls and loaves in the showcase are continuously changing. A note of caution however, the more popular breads soon tend to be sold out. Even so, you will be able to explore new types of bread and wonderful new tastes every time. I bet you might even turn into a big fan of Koji’s amazing bakery.

Hours:10:00 – 18:00 
Closed: Monday, the 2nd & 4th Sunday, every other Tuesday
Address:862-59 Hino-chou, Sasebo
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/19o9ru7w4hX8SGNn8
English Instagram


毎日60種もの美味しいパンが並ぶ“ふわりのぱん”。まるで「パンの宝石箱や~」って感じですね。彦摩呂さんの風のこのセリフを直訳すると、“This place is like a jewelry box of bread(この場所はパンの宝石箱のようです )”ですが、彦摩呂さんを知らない外国人には比喩表現として伝わりづらいかもしれません。なので。“treasure(宝物)”という単語を使って、 “This place is a real treasure.(ここ、本当に貴重でステキなところ!)” と表現できます。絶景の場所や、ほんとにいい店やホテルを見つけた時に使いますよ。

newly-opened 新しくオープンした~
laboratory 研究所、ラボ(*laboは和製英語に近く、通じにくい)
loaf(複:loaves) 大きい塊のパン
rolls 小さい塊のパン

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