Place to eat in the post COVID-19 era: Japanese restaurant “SAKURAKAWA” | 三密対策のお手本! 佐世保ワシントンホテル内「日本料理 桜川」のサービスが素晴らしかった

After the COVID-19 crisis, many people are still cautious for dining out in restaurants even though the restrictions have already been eased. It seems we have to wait a little more time to have our normal lives back again or just need to find ways to live a “new-normal” world.

Under the circumstances, I went to Japanese restaurant “Sakurakawa” inside Sasebo Washington hotel close to Sasebo station. I was impressed with its excellent hygiene and social-distancing measures. So that, I could experienced a delicious Kaiseki, a traditional multi-course Japanese cuisine with my 70 years old mom while feeling safe.

佐世保ワシントンホテル内の「日本料理 桜川」で会席をいただいてきました! 徹底した3蜜対策と行き届いたサービス、そして美味しいお料理! お友達や家族との特別な食事を、安心して食べられるなんて素晴らしい! 今回はその体験をレポートします。

Sakurakawa has private rooms only. After you check in and sanitize your hands at the front desk, you will be taken to your room on the 3rd floor. It’s unlikely to encounter many people except your party.

日本料理 桜川は全室個室! フロントで予約を確認して手を消毒すると、3階のお部屋に案内されます。

In the private room, our table was set in the way above to keep social distancing. Of course the ventilation was also proper.


We took a twelve course Kaiseki meals, starting from appetizer, kobachi (small bowl) , sashimi, chawanmushi to tempura and a meat dish. The exquisite bite-sized appetizer pulls at women’s hearts.


Normally, the dishes will be served one by one. But you can have all at once when you are busy. Soba-noodles, tempura, and sauteed fish were delicious !


You will also have mini- lemon steak, one of the local cuisines in Sasebo.


We had a wonderful time there! After we were stuffed with the delectable Kaiseki, we just relaxed a bit in the private room while looking out of the window and seeing a Japanese-style pond.

いや~、美味しかった! おなかいっぱい食べたあとは、窓の外の池を眺めてゆったりしました。プライベート感たっぷりで幸せなひととき。食後には果物も出ましたよ。

After having your meal, you will receive a free sorbet ticket for the next visit.


free sorbet tickets

It offers several Kaiseki course meals starting at 3900 yen (+ service fee and tax ) . And there is one good deal! Sakurakawa is now holding a discount promotion until June 30. For the limited time only, you can order reasonable lunch course meals (either 2000 yen or 3000 yen ) outside lunch hours. It’s only for three groups in a day. Reservation is required. Kid menus and memorial service food courses are also available. Sakurakawa is really a reliable place to have celebratory meals with family and friends in the post-corona era.

会席は3900円からご予算に合わせて選べます(サービス料10%・消費税別)。そして現在、桜川では期間限定で夜ランチを提供中。 6月30日までの1日3組限定なので予約はお早めに。お子さまメニューや法要プランもあり。ウィズコロナ時代、法要や会食用に安心して使えるお店を知っておくと便利だなとつくづく思いました。

Photos of the lunch course meals are from here! 夜ランチの詳細はこちら↓


Address: 12-7 Shiomi-chou, Sasebo
Hours: 11:00 am-10:00 pm(L.O 9:00 pm)
Lunch Time: 11:00 am-2:00 pm
Close: December 31, January 1
Reservation: 0956-32-8011

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