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【Authentic Mexican | 本場メキシコの味】

We went to an authentic Mexican restaurant called “Gravity “( @gravity_mexican_food_sasebo)to try their delicious take out Mexican foods. Hmm, the shop is full of skulls. The skulls are a symbol of a Mexican festival, Day of the Dead / Día de Muertos. It’s a huge celebration of life and death. It reminds us of the Disney movie “Coco” . The owner is originally from Mexico and his wife is Japanese. We were sure their meals would be the real deal!
メキシコ料理専門店GRAVITY( @gravity_mexican_food_sasebo)さんで本場のメキシカンをテイクアウトしてきました!店内には、カラフルなドクロがたくさん! ドクロはメキシコのお祭り「死者の日(日本でいうお盆)」に登場するモチーフだよ。ピクサーの「リメンバー・ミー」を思い出します。オーナーご夫婦は、旦那さんがメキシコ出身で、奥さんが日本人。これは期待できそうです!
【Here is the Menu | メニューはこちら】
Here is the part of their menu. Vegetarian options are available such as potato taquitos and mushroom fried quesadilla. The lunch set meals are reasonably priced (all come with a mini salad and a drink). For a full information about menu, click here.
メニューの一部はこちら。 ベジタリアン向けのチョイスが多いのも◎。ランチはお財布に優しい価格だよ! その他、ワカモレやナチョスなど、詳しいメニューはSAFEEさんのWebサイトへ(こちら)

【Takeout Meals | テイクアウト】
This time, we ordered fried beef quesadilla, chicken taquitos, and steak tacos to-go. They are served with tasty original sauce (hot or mild) and marinated onion.
今回テイクアウトしたのは、じゃーん! フライケサディアのビーフとタキトスのチキン、ステーキタコス。特製ソース(マイルド味とハバネロ入り)と玉葱のマリネをかけていただきます。

All of the meals were excellent ! We especially liked fried quesadilla. The meaty filling wrapped with crispy tortilla really go well with their addictive spicy sauce. Chicken taquitos are also made from fried tortilla. But both of them weren’t too oily because of many fresh vegetables. The most exotic one was the steak tacos. The meat is cooked with unique spice (we’ve never had the taste before) . We enjoyed them a lot!
フライ・ケサディアが皮と具が揚げてあって、サックサク! 中のチーズとお肉が特製ソースととっても合う!これはハマる味した。タキトスはチキンの春巻きのようなものに、上から野菜とチーズがたっぷり! どちらも揚げ物ですが、生野菜がたっぷりなので、油っこさは感じません。ステーキタコスはザ・肉です! 独特のスパイスが使ってるので、外国っぽさを感じました!
【女性1人でも入りやすい!/ Women can Feel Comfortable Entering Even Alone】
We loved their friendly Mexican vibes. They offer a variety of alcohol drinks. Gravity is definitely a great place for a drink and dinner. One more thing, women can feel comfortable dropping by even alone for lunch or light meals.
オーナーさんがとっても気さく!! アルコールメニューも豊富なので、夜飲みはもちろん、女性1人でもランチや軽食に、気軽に立ち寄れますよ。
11:00 am– 0:00 am
Closed: Mon.
📍3rd floor, 9-19 Tokiwa machi, Sasebo
佐世保市常盤町9-19 3階 [MAP]
Payment: cash, credit card, PayPay, auPay, R Pay, d払い, メルペイ etc.
Parking: Not available.
Click the link below to see more images. Information provided by SAFEE: 詳しい情報はSAFEEさんのWebサイトへ↓