【Slogan in June: Promoting “Moral Education” calendar】 【佐世保市の徳育推進カレンダー:6月の標語】

 Sasebo city declared “the city development with promoting “moral education” in 2012. Under the slogan “Sharing Smiles, Expressing Gratitude”, a small episode is introduced on the page of Sasebo City’s PR magazine every month.  

 Here are two slogans of “Promoting Moral Education” calendar in June.


Let’s pass the baton of smile to your friends! (6th grade of Funakoshi E.S.)

「わたしから 笑顔のバトン 友達へ」(船越小6年)

Let’s thank your neighbors for keeping an eye on the street!(6th grade of Nakazato E.S.)

「ぼくの町 見守る人にも ありがとう」(中里小6年)

“Passing the baton of smile” is a lovely words, isn’t it? Also we should notice that many neighbors are kind enough to keep an eye for kids on the street every morning and evening, and should not forget to express our thanks to their support.




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