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【 ロックダウンのリアル 第2弾! 】
In Part 1, we asked a friend in US how life under “Lockdown” has been so far.
In Part 2, we got a story from Ontario, Canada. We asked about shopping, supplies, prices, life, and city in general.

Ontario, Canada!
1.買い物は自由にできるの?Can you go shopping for groceries?
- スーパー、薬局、その他の生活に必要なお店は開いている。
- 入店の人数制限があり、待つ場合は、外でスペース空けて並ぶ
- 高齢者専用の買い物時間を設けているところも多い
- 事前にオンラインで注文し、連絡のメールが来たら店舗に行き、カゴに品がセットされているのでそれを持ち帰る、というシステムを導入している店舗もある
- 上記以外の、ファッションや衣類、電化製品、おもちゃ等のお店は休業。オンラインショッピングに切り替えている
[English all excerpts] Grocery stores, pharmacies and other essential places are open.
If you go to a store, they only allow a set number of people inside at a time. So you line up (spaced apart), outside. Many have also started senior hours. Most other stores (clothing, electronics, toys etc), have shut down their stores, but rely on online business. Michaels craft store has curb side pick up. So you order online, then they put your order together, email you when it’s ready, you drive to the local store, call them when you get there and then they bring it out, put it in a bin and you collect it.
2.生鮮食品は手に入る?Can you still buy fresh food?
- 小麦粉、米、缶詰が手に入りづらいけど、理由は初期の買い溜め。今はだいぶ落ち着いている
- その他の果物や野菜は在庫は十分、問題なし
- 牛乳、卵、パンに購入制限がかかる場合も
Flour, rice and canned goods are harder to come by, but again it’s because people went crazy (at first). It’s settled down a lot. Other fruit and veggies have been in decent stock and no issues getting what we need. Limits on milk, eggs, bread, I think.
3.シャンプーやせっけん、洗剤類は?Can you still get other supplies such as shampoo, soap, detergents?
- シャンプー、せっけん、洗剤類の在庫切れはない
- ウェットティッシュ、手袋、マスク、手指消毒液はほぼない
- 店側から、在庫は十分にあるので買い溜めを控えるよう、呼びかけがある
No shortages on soap, shampoo or detergent. Disinfect wipes, gloves and masks, and hand sanitizer are hard to find… We had grocery chain people telling us that the warehouses were full and to stop hoarding.
4.物価は上がっている?Any price hikes?
- 特に感じない
- ガソリンがめちゃめちゃ安い!(どこにも行けないけど)
- 物は高くはなっていないけど、逆にセールや割引品などがなくなったかも
- 初期にトイレットペーパーなどを買い占めて高く転売するケースがあったが、アマゾンなどが出品を削除したり、州も罰金を課すなどして対策がとられた
No price hikes that I am really aware of. Gasoline is waaaaay down. Gas is cheap and as we can’t go anywhere! Although there aren’t really any price hikes, I find there isn’t as many sales as grocery stores. … I wouldn’t say prices have increased, just less sales. Some people bought tons of hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and disinfecting wipes at the beginning, and then tried to sell them high, but amazon put a stop to it, and our province has said that people will be fined if caught price gauging.
5.美容室は開いているの?Are hair salons open?
- 美容室、ヘアサロンは休業
- ネイルサロンは一時期まで空いていたが、現在は休業中
- 仕方ないので、セルフカットや帽子をかぶるなどしてやり過ごしている
- 一か月後のブロンド人口が劇的に減少しているだろう、というジョークがある(普段は金髪に染めるのが人気のため)
Hair salons are closed. I remember seeing nail salons open for a while, but they are closed now…. I gave my son a cut. My hair is long and… it will get longer than I like. As for my husband…he wears a hat most of the time. There’s a joke that within a month the blond population will decrease significantly 😉
- 学校の休校と同時に、図書館も休館
Libraries closed when schools did.
7.公園は?遊び場は?Parks? Playgrounds?
- すべての屋外遊び場や公園は閉鎖中
- 代わりに遊歩道などを散歩している
All playgrounds and parks are closed. But you can still walk trails.
8.居酒屋、バー、レストランは?Bars and restaurants?
- バーやレストランでの店内飲食は禁止
- テイクアウトやデリバリーの営業は続けている
Bars and restaurants are available for take out/delivery but not eat in.
9. おうち時間の過ごし方は?Things to do at home?
おうちではこんなアクティビティーをしているそうですよ!Here are some examples!


Quarantine cake!

Hockey in driveway

Mother-daughter art.
いかがでしたか?What did you think?
「いやいやいや、写真だからww 息子は四六時中モノポリーやりたがって、いいかげん窓からゲームを投げ捨てたいわww」
とのお返事で、正直ホッとしました。笑 みんなそこらへんは同じなようです!
Although hair salons, restaurant/bars, libraries, and parks are closed, the impression was that people are quite calm about the situation and trying to keep things as normal as they can.
I was especially impressed with my friend’s fun looking photos and felt bad about how I was complaining about kids… until she replied “…my son wants to play monopoly alllllll the time. I want to throw it out the window!”. I felt so relieved to hear that part is the same around the world!!😉
What did you think? Echan will continue to hear stories from other countries and cities regarding how life changed/did not change after the stay-at-home order. Stay tuned!

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