Time flies. It’s hard to believe that it’s already December. The collab project between the local free paper “Naradewa” and Sasebo E Channel features the year-end and New Year’s holidays. Rie-sensei interviewed foreign residents about their plans for this coming holiday season. Yuki-sensei also visited 2 US themed bars and interviewed the American customers there.
『月刊ならでわ!』とSasebo E Channelのコラボ企画、12月号のテーマは年末年始! EチャンのRie 先生が外国人さんへのインタビューを担当。またYuki先生は外国人バー2件をめぐり、アメリカ人のお客さんにインタビューしています。
How do you spend the holiday season? |年末年始どう過ごす?
In this article, we’ll be introducing you on how Japanese people and foreign residents spend their year-end and New Year’s holidays. Are there any differences depending on their nationalities? Let’s find out.
Comments from Foreign Residents|外国人さんの声
Sarah is planning to return to the U.S. for the first time in three years in December. After that, she will spend her New Year’s holidays by eating baked rice cakes. Since she has lived in Japan for many years, it seems she can’t resist the New Years holidays without Japanese traditional rice cakes.
Dee is going to stay active during her winter vacation.
“I’m planning to visit northern Japan to see the beautiful snow and atmosphere it has to offer. I want to welcome in the new year by trying new hobbies like Taiko and dancing. I look forward to meeting new friends and making great memories. Thank you!”
Jason from Australia is looking forward to enjoying a “cold”winter.
“For New Years, I will be working hard on my studies, exercising, playing music and writing a new journal. I also want to go somewhere where I can see snow. I have only seen snow 3 times during my lifetime because it doesn’t snow very often in my home country, Australia. In fact, our new year is very hot. So this year, I hope I can make a big snowman.”
「年末年始は、勉強や運動、音楽、そして日記の執筆などを頑張る予定です。人生で3回しか雪を見たことがないので、雪を見に行きたい。母国のオーストラリアは雪があまり降らない、というか、年末年始は暑い! だから今年の正月は雪だるまを作れるといいな」
Scott from Canada needs snow in winter.
“My year-end plans are exploring Japan by going to Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture. I’ve always wanted to see traditional buildings with snow in the winter. Since I am from Canada, living in Kyusyu has been nice but, I really miss the snow.”
How about Locals? |日本人の皆さんは?
Matchan-san has his own standard way of spending his New Year’s holidays.
“I have to work hard until December 31. As soon as my last business day is over, I will prepare stewed diced pork (buta-no-kakuni). After I let the pork and boiled eggs soak up the soy-based sauce well until the next day, I’ll bring it to my parent’s home. I’ll stay relaxed there watching a long-distance road relay (ekiden) on TV, drinking alcohol and eating foods.”
Takanyan-san is looking forward to going back his home town.
“I am currently working as an intern in Sasebo. During the year-end and New Year’s holidays, I would like to go back to my home town, Nagasaki City, and enjoy drinking with my friends.”
Tsuriyama-san will absorb herself in her hobby.
“I will be starting work on New Year’s Day since the New Year’s Sale starts. So working very hard is my way to start New Year. I love fishing so much that I moved here with my husband from Iwate Prefecture to enjoy fishing. Every time I have a day off, we are on a fishing spree. I will aim for large blue-backed fish this coming season.”
Akemin-san can’t want to see her daughter and grandchildren. Wait. Does she have grandchildren? She looks young!
“I am very much looking forward to seeing my daughter and grandchildren coming back from outside Nagasaki! It is also a regular event to keep in touch with friends who are going back to Sasebo and go out for a drink!”
What’s your plan for this holiday season? Next time, we will introduce two friendly American-style bars in Sasebo that even first-timers will feel comfortable entering. Please look forward to it.
いかがでしたか? 皆さんはどんな年末年始を過ごしますか? 次回はパート2として、初めての人でも通いやすい佐世保の外国人バー2件をご紹介します。お楽しみに~!