The U.S-Japan Friendship Concert 2024 was held on Sunday, March 24th at Arkas SASEBO. Students from local schools and E. J. King Middle/High School got together and performed chorus and brass band music. The U. S. Navy SEVENTH Fleet Band, a world renowned music group joined them on stage.
3月24日(日)、アルカスSASEBOで「日米交流演奏会2024」が開催されました! 佐世保市、西海市の中高生と米海軍佐世保基地のE.J.キング ミドル/ハイスクールの生徒が合同でコーラスや吹奏楽を披露。米海軍第七艦隊音楽隊も駆けつけ、盛大なコンサートとなりましたよ。
The audience was mixed with Japanese and Americans, which created an international atmosphere. American and Japanese students performed various songs from anime songs to Western hits, as well as some of Nagasaki’s local songs. Their performance was wonderful!
九州文化学園高等学校|Kyusyu Bunka Gakuen High School
The concert kicked off with marching band music from Kyusyu Bunka Gakuen High School.

日米合同合唱|U.S.-Japan Joint Chorus
E.J.キング ミドル/ハイスクールと聖和女子学院中学校・高等学校
E. J. King Middle/High School & Seiwa Joshi Gakuin Junior High and High School

日米合同演奏|U.S.-Japan Joint Band
E.J.キング ミドル/ハイスクールと佐世保・西海ジュニアオールスターズ
E. J. King Middle/High School & Sasebo and Saikai Junior All Stars

日米合同演奏/合唱|U.S.-Japan Joint Band and Chorus
The joint performance by all participating groups featured the national anthems of the U.S. and Japan, as well as hit songs by the Beadles, Abba, and others.

参加者2人にインタビュー|Interview two participants
Miu from E.J. King’s High School played clarinet. She practiced hard for over two months for the concert with her fellow band members. Thanks to her hard work, she was happy with her performance. The joint practice with the Japanese school took place over a period of two days, but the two schools were in perfect harmony!
E.J.キングのハイスクールのベスト心桜さんは、クラリネットを担当。この日のために1〜2ヶ月、練習したそう。その甲斐あって当日は「うまくできた」と満足そうでした。 日本の学校との合同練習は、たった2日だったそうですが、両校の息はバッチリ! さすがでした。

Asuka from Seiwa Joshi Gakuin participated in the concert as a chorus member. It was her first time to perform songs with people from other countries, so it was a great experience for her. She said that interacting with the American students made her want to study English more.

The U.S. 7th Fleet Band |米海軍第七艦隊音楽隊
The closing performance was by the U.S. Navy Seventh Fleet Band based in Yokosuka. The band is renowned as one of the best military bands in the world. Their performance was simply outstanding!

The U.S-Japan Friendship Concert organized by Kyushu Defense Bureau, is held in order to enhance mutual interaction between the Commander, Fleet Activities Sasebo and surrounding local communities (every year around March.) Admission is free, so if you missed it this year, please look forward to the next event.