Report: The 8th Sasebo Expo 2023| Sasebo Intercultural Project|英語で交わる国際交流イベント“第8回Sasebo Expo 2023 レポート【佐世保で英会話】

The 8th Sasebo Expo was held on Sunday, October 29th at Machinaka Community Center. Sasebo Expo is a fun international exchange event in which people from all over the world introduce their culture to each other. This year’s theme was ” World Autumn Festival”! The event kicked off with a beautiful performance by Tsutsu-sensei on the koto (a Japanese 13 stringed instrument) with Inoue-sensei accompanying on the cello. Participants were divided into 2 groups and then visited all of the booths.

10月29日、文化祭をテーマにした国際交流イベント「Sasebo Expo 2023」が開催されました。8回目となるSasebo Expoのテーマは、”世界の秋の祭典”! オープニングを飾ったのは、筒先生と井上先生の琴とチェロの演奏でした。そのあとはグループA、Bに分かれて各ブースを回ります。

Communication Games| コミュニケーションゲーム

The event was created in order to encourage communication between foreign residents and local Japanese people. Simple English dialogs were written included in the event program so that the Japanese speaking participants would be able to enjoy communicating in English. Several communication games were held, for example “ladder getter” in which people throw a ball and try to land it on a ladder, as well as a harvest-themed fishing game.


Everyone’s Favorite Science Corner|大人気の科学コーナー

The science experiment corner is always poplar at the Sasebo Expo. The organizers are students from the National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Sasebo College! This time, they taught guests how to make a rocket using a bouncy ball. All of the children regardless of their nationalities really enjoyed the exciting experiment.


International Volunteer Staff|国際色豊かなボランティアスタッフ

Many Americans, including Girl Scouts from the U.S. military base, participated in the Sasebo Expo as volunteer staff. This time, they organized or helped a costume photo corner where participants could wear traditional costumes and take photos, as well as a witch’s quiz corner. Luke (16), who was in charge of a communication game, says he loves participating in local volunteer activities. He speaks good Japanese! Luke says that he would like to interact more in Japanese as well.

Sasebo Expoには、米軍基地からガールススカウトをはじめとするたくさんのアメリカ人の皆さんが、ボランティアスタッフとして参加されています。今回は、民族衣装を着て写真を撮れるコーナーや、魔女のクイズコーナーなどがありました。コミュニケーションゲームを担当したルーク君(16)は地元のボランティア活動に参加するのが大好きだそうです。日本語も上手!もっと日本語でも交流したいとのことでした。そういったボランティアの皆さんとも交流も楽しみの一つです。

Theme changes every time|毎回変わるテーマ

Another enjoyable part of the Sasebo Expo is the theme. The theme changes every year, and this time it was Halloween and Thanksgiving. The Boatman family participated wearing their Halloween costumes. They enjoyed the rocket making booth most of all.

Sasebo エキスポのテーマは毎回、変わります。今回はハロウィンと感謝祭だったので、コスチューム姿の参加者さんもいました。ボートマンさん一家もコスチュームで参加!一通りブースを回ったあと、ロケット作りが特に楽しかったとおっしゃっていました。

Voice from Japanese participant|日本人参加者の感想

We also interviewed a Japanese participant. Yoshiaki Deguchi (10) seemed to enjoy this event in English. “I was able to talk to American people “, said Yoshiaki cheerfully. He recommends the harvest game corner where he could speak English the most.


The event organizer, the Sasebo Expo Team is already planning the next event. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Sasebo Expo was being held twice a year, and it will return to that pace. Next time they will held the event in May, 2024 at the Sasebo Citizens’ Cultural Hall. Please look forward to it.


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