In the June edition of the collaboration article with the local monthly magazine “Naradewa!, we will be reporting on the Sasebo Fleet Friendship Day 2024 held on April 13, 2024. For the first time in a decade, Commander, Fleet Activities Sasebo (CFAS) opened its main base complex to the public to celebrate the friendship and partnership between the U.S. Navy and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). We were able to tour around USS America, USS Green Bay, and JMSDF Escort Ship Kongou .

The Amphibious Assault Ship, USS America! 巨大な強襲揚陸艦アメリカ!
The amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) finally was open to the public in Sasebo for the first time since it was deployed in 2019. Local Japanese citizens were excited and formed a 400-meter long line for the ship tour to see the interior!

We received a friendly welcome by the crew of the America as we entered the giant ship.

We arrived at the flight deck. It can take off and land aircraft day and night!

Interviews 基地内の外国人へインタビュー!!

【Lt. Beau Nickerson, From Virginia】
We were able to talk to the crew of the USS America. Lt. Beau Nickerson works for the ship as a public affairs officer to inform the public about the ship’s activities. He says that people in Sasebo are very kind, so he was able to get used to the city right away. He has visited many countries due to his job, but Sasebo is his one of his favorites to live in. He was very grateful to have been able to interact with so many Japanese people through this event!
【ボー・ニッカーソンさん バージニア州出身】
普段は強襲揚陸艦アメリカの広報官として、船の活動を一般の方に伝える仕事をしています! 仕事柄、いろんな国へ行きましたが佐世保の人はとても親切で住みやすく、すぐに馴染めました✨今回のイベントを通してたくさんの日本人と交流することができてとても感謝しています!来年も是非開催したいです♪

We also talked with Leneijia from New York (left) and Molly from Ohio (left) who dropped by the event after work. It was also the first time for them to experience such an event since they came to Sasebo. They both liked the friendship event, saying “It’s full of energy and very fun!” Molly enjoys Kujukushima (“Ninety-Nine Islands”) and Leneijia loves Nagasaki Biopark in Saikai City.
【左:レネージアさん ニューヨーク出身】
【右:モリーさん オハイオ州出身】
This is America inside Sasebo! 佐世保の中のアメリカ!
Thanks to the hospitality from CFAS and ship crews, we enjoyed the event so much that we forgot that we were working. The buildings, the food, and the music we heard, we really felt the American atmosphere. It was as if we were on a short trip abroad.

【Related Articles|関連記事】

This article was created in collaboration with the local free magazine “Monthly Naradewa!” Each month, we interview residents living in Sasebo on the theme of “Intercultural Experiences using English in Sasebo”. Here are some past featured articles listed below.