米軍基地がある佐世保には、「国内にいながらアメリカ留学が体験できる」英語プログラムがあります。それは、メリーランド大学グローバルキャンパス アジア校(UMGC)が実施するブリッジプログラム! 今回の「月刊ならでわ!5月号」とのコラボ記事では、実際に授業を訪問。先生と生徒にインタビューしました。
Sasebo is one of the rare cities in Japan where you can experience an American university without going abroad. It is the Bridge Program offered by University of Maryland Global Campus Asia in Sasebo Naval Base. In the May edition of the collaboration article with the local monthly magazine “Naradewa!,” we joined a class of the Bridge Program and interviewed the teacher and students.
What is the Bridge Program?
It’s an English language program for those who wish to enter an American university!
Q どんな人が参加できる?|Who is eligible to enroll?
Any non-native English speaker! If you complete the program with a certain level of success, you can even enter the University of Maryland. For more info → Click here.
授業はどんな感じ?|What’s the class like?
授業は米軍基地内の教室に通うかオンラインのどちらかで受講できます。週に6時間、授業中は日本語でのやりとりは基本、禁止! 予習・復習も必要なため、英語漬けでガッツリ学びたい人にはピッタリ!でも授業自体はとっても和やかな印象でした。
You can take the classes either in person at the classroom in the Sasebo Naval Base or online. The course requires six hours of study per week, and you must use only English during the session. Since preparation and review are also required for each class, this program is perfect for those who want to immerse themselves in English! Don’t worry thought, the class has a very friendly atmosphere.
講師を務めるのは、カリフォルニア州出身でアン・フューズ-川野先生。日本在住歴22年で佐世保の自然が大好きだそう。娘が佐世保の学校に通っていたので、英語教授法の専門家でありながら、日本の英語教育を熟知している点が心強い! 日本人の得意・不得意に合った教え方を心賭けてるそうで、生徒からは「分かりやすい!」と好評!
The teacher is Ms. Anne Feuz-Kawano from California. She has lived in Japan for 22 years and enjoys the beauty of the sea and countryside surrounding Sasebo. She is an expert at teaching English to speakers of other languages and has a thorough understanding of the English education system in Japan since her daughter went to local Japanese schools from elementary to high school. Her English teaching methods matching the strengths and weaknesses of each student are highly appreciated.
生徒にインタビュー | We Interviewed Students
花織さん (米海軍佐世保基地勤務) |Kaori (Works at CFAS)
I decided to take this program to improve my English since I have many opportunities to interact with American people. Some classes are challenging, such as writing essays and giving presentations on new technologies, but I can learn how to deliver my thoughts effectively which I can use at work right away!
勇気さん(学生) | Yuki (Student)
米軍基地内で働きたいという夢があったので受講を決めました。ブリッジ・プログラムのあとは、メリーランド大学への進学を目指します! 高校時代と違ってプレゼンなどで自分の考えが求められますが、アン先生の教え方がとても分かりやすいので頑張れていますよ。アメリカへ留学するのと比べて費用を抑えられるうえに、自宅から安心して学べるのが魅力だと思います。
My goal is to work on a U.S. military base, so I decided to take the Bridge Program. After completing this course, I plan to attend the University of Maryland! Unlike in Japanese high school, I am required to express my thoughts in presentations, which is challenging, but I’m handling them because Ms. Anne’s way of teaching is very easy to understand. Compared to studying abroad in the U.S., it is less expensive and I can study from the comfort of my own home.
真治さん (県立大学生) | Masaharu (University Student)
My high school teacher told me that if I went to Sasebo, I could study at the university on the U.S. military base. I am currently taking the Bridge Program as a part of my university’s curriculum and plan to attend the University of Maryland after graduation. Ms. Anne is kind and follows up with me frequently. The relatively small class size is also an attractive feature of this program. With my English, I would like to pursue a career related to e-sports.
2024年度 就学者募集!!【受付:5月7日~7月25日】
To know more about Bridge Program
Click here