The 5th International Friendship Sports Day on November 12. |第5回 国際交流大運動会 レポート

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The 5th international friendship sports day was held on November 12. Non-Japanese residents were able to experience the Japanese unique Sports Day games with local high school students. It is an unique annual project that American town Sasebo can do. The day was long waited for Sports Team of Sasebo Intercultural Project, the host of this event since it was cancelled last year due to the COVID‑19 situation.

11月12日、第5回 国際交流大運動会が開催されました!日本ならではの運動会を、外国人と日本人が一緒になって楽しもう!という基地のまち佐世保らしい企画です。こちらは英語で交わるまちSaseboプロジェクトのスポーツ交流チームが開催する恒例のイベント。去年はコロナウイルスの影響で中止となったため、待ちに待った開催となりました。

180 Participants | 180名の参加者

This year they received applications from about 40 non-Japanese. Japanese participants were all high school students: from Sasebo North High, Sasebo West High, Sasebo South High, Sasebo Commercial High, and Seiwa Jyoshi Gakuin. It was a great opportunity for students to use English.


Voices from participants参加者の声

Here are voices from participants.

・It was good to have fun with Japanese people among ongoing restrictions due to COVID-19 situation. It was a great opportunity for international exchange. (Non-Japanese)

・I really enjoyed Japanese unique Sports day games such as ball-toss game and tug of war with international participants. (Japanese)

・Each game was very exciting. It was a rare opportunity to do something with foreigners. I felt it was an advantage of living in Sasebo. (Japanese)





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