「レジ袋は有料です」「プラスチックごみの削減にご協力ください」って英語でなんて言う?【ATTN】Plastic bag fees start from July 1, 2020 in Japan【英語フレーズ集】

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【Stores will charge for plastic shopping bags from July】

All retailers across Japan, including supermarkets and convenience stores, will be obliged to charge for plastic shopping bags from July 1, 2020.

Bags will be priced on average 3 to 5 yen per bag.

Regi bukuro wa yuuryo desu

If you hear that in stores, that means “bags are charged”. Tell the cashier which size you want. Saying alphabet letters will be better understood, such as M for medium, L for large, or LL for extra large!

Eco bag

This is a word meaning “reusable shopping bag” in Japan.  If you want to save your yens, moreover, want to contribute in reducing plastics, do bring them to the stores! 

For official information, visit Japan METI website : Introduction of Fee-incurring Plastic Checkout Bags Starts in July 2020 in All Stores across Japan



それを外国人のお客様にはどう伝える? さっそく行ってみましょうー!

  • 7月1日よりレジ袋は有料です
    Shopping bags are charged from July 1.
    We charge for shopping bags as of July 1.
    Stores charge for shopping bags from July 1.

    「レジ袋」は plastic bags や checkout bags なども可。

  • 使い捨てプラスチックごみ削減の取り組みの一環として、当店ではレジ袋の有料化を決定いたしました。
    We have decided to put a charge on plastic bags in our effort to reduce disposable plastic waste.

    「有料化」は ~put a fee でも可。

  • レジ袋削減にご協力ください
    Please help to reduce plastic bags.
    Thank you for your cooperation in reducing plastic bags.

  • レジ袋を下記料金にて販売させていただきます
    Shopping bags are priced as follows:

  • 当店では、環境保全の観点から、6月30日をもちまして、レジ袋の無料配布を終了いたします
    We will stop providing free shopping bags from environmental perspective as of June 30.

  • エコバッグをお持ちください
    Please bring your own shopping bags.

    「エコバッグ」は reusable shopping bags でも可。Eco bag では通じない可能性も!

【 おまけ:プラごみ削減のハッシュタグ 】

#reduceplastic  (reduce plastic)
#reduceplasticwaste  (reduce plastic waste)


#reducecarbonfootprint  (reduce carbon footprint)

Carbon Footprint(カーボンフットプリント、直訳で「炭素の足跡」)は、おおまかに言うとCO2の排出量のこと。二酸化炭素の排出量を減らそう!のハッシュタグです。

#reducereuserecycle  (reduce reuse recycle)




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