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【手作り布マスクが買えるお店 / Where to shop for Fabric Masks】
When you can’t find disposable masks anywhere… here’s a quick list of handmade masks (fabric masks) you can purchase around Sasebo.
Note: This post does NOT guarantee size and stock. Do check in advance.
1.ヒイラギのはね / Hiiragi no hane

ヒイラギのはね / Hiiragi no Hane 五番街近く [MAP]
2F Seagarden, 5-5 Yorozu-cho, Sasebo (near Gobangai)
2. Spice

SPICE アーケードくっけん広場内 [MAP]
8-10 Shimokyomachi, Sasebo (near Mr. Donuts in Ginza)
3. アクセサリー&布雑貨 4hyuka

アクセサリー&布雑貨 4hyuka 上原町 Hütteさん隣 [MAP]
797-1 Uwabaru-cho, Sasebo (inside “Trunk”, next to restaurant Hütte)
4. ハンドメイド雑貨ここ和 / Cocowa

ハンドメイド雑貨 ここ和 / Cocowa 松浦市 ふるさと館近く[MAP]
253-3 Shonomen, Shisa-cho, Matsuura City (40 min from Sasebo 🚗)
5. ブーガルー / Boogaloo

ブーガルー / Boogaloo 伊万里市 [MAP]
2811-5 Oozato-ko, Niri-cho, Imari City, Saga (40 min from Sasebo 🚙)
6. にこいろ / Nicoiro

にこいろ(ワイワイエス)/ Nicoiro 「松浦市にこいろ」でナビ検索 [MAP]
527-1 Kariharamen, Mikuriya-cho, Matsuura City
【お買い物の前に / Before shopping】
Pls check details from each account. They are not English fluent, but welcomes all guests.
This post does NOT guarantee size and stock. Some are for kids only. Do check in advance.
All creators put their heart into making these masks. Only buy necessary amount and don’t resell!
✔︎どのお店さんも、マスクだけでなく、素敵なハンドメイドアクセサリー や雑貨を置いてらっしゃいます。ぜひそちらもお楽しみください☺️☺️
All shops also sell other handmade accessory, fabric items and really really cute stuff. Do also check them out!
また「ウチでも取り扱っているよ!」というところあれば、 Eチャンのフェイスブックページ 、Eチャンのインスタグラム、または下記よりお声掛けください🧡
Fabric masks may not be the perfect solution against viruses however they are still useful, especially for pollen allergy and protecting your throat from dry weather. And, they are sooo kawaii!
So do check them out and we hope this info reaches to those in need.