【散歩】秋の身近な植物を英語で言ってみよう!Autumn Flowers and Plants in Japan – what are their names and pronunciation? 【花】【金木犀】【道端の草花】【紅葉狩り】

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Autumn has arrived. It’s the best season to take walks around town. By the way what is that sweet perfume that fills the streets? What is that brush-like plant or flower that I see by the side of the road? Check their Japanese names, and also learn the pronunciation!

1. コスモス / Cosmos / kosumosu (kow-soo-mow-soo)


One of the symbolic flowers of autumn. View of them blossoming in field is just breathtaking. In Sasebo, you can enjoy them in Tenkaiho.

2. 金木犀(きんもくせい)/ Osmanthus / kinmokusei (kin-mow-koo-say) /

別名 / also known as:
tea olive, fragrant olive, Chinese olive,


It’s the distinctive sweet smell of autumn… sometimes referred to as peaches and apricots. The word kinmokusei is sometimes used in songs in Japan to represent autumn.

3. もみじ / maple / momiji (mow-mee-ji)

「紅葉」は英語で、red (yellow) leaves, autumn leaves, colored leaves, autumn foliage などの表現があります。Autumn の代わりに fall を使ってもOK。「紅葉狩り」は to go see autumn foliage のような説明的な表現になります。

Colored (red) leaves are referred to as kouyou (紅葉, こうよう, ko-yo). To go see the red leaves is a big seasonal event in Japan (紅葉狩り, こうようがり, ko-yo-ga-ri).

4. ケイトウ / cock’s comb / keitou (kay-tow)

別名 / also known as: Celosia

ケイトウ=鶏頭 で、ニワトリのトサカに似ていることから、その名前が付きました。

You can obviously guess where they got the name from.

Similar plant you see growing often alongside JR Sasebo line is Goldenrod, or Solidago altissima.
This is Hogweed (Ambrosia), often mistaken as Goldenrod above. Infamous for causing allergy!

5. ススキ / pampas grass / susuki (soo-soo-key)

別名 / also known as: Miscanthus sinens


Nowadays you can see dried ones sold at fancy home decor shops.

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