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The upper floors of Kukken Hiroba, have a high potential to be one of the next “it” spots in Sasebo! We will be introducing its 2 English-friendly events held on December. And the creator’s market floor on Kukken Hiroba too!
今、くっけん広場の上階が、アツいんです! 今回はEチャンが気になっているクリスマスイベント2つと、クリエーターズマーケットフロアをご紹介します♪
1. Special Collection on Dec.7 and 8
This event will be held on the 3rd floor of Kukken Hiroba. It features the most stylish creators in Nagasaki. Enjoy each creator’s originality and creativity, and find something special for Christmas presents or just yourself !
Special Collection
12/7(Sat.) and 8(Sun) @11:00-18:00
Kukken Hiroba 3 F
Facebook/ Instagram / Line @spice.ngsk
2. Parent/Child Event: Oyako de Happy X’mas on Dec.21
A 2500 yen ticket includes 3 serves ( for one parent and one kid ) . You can choose 1 service among each 3 categories : fortune telling, handcraft workshops, and relaxation. All are special menus that parents and kids can enjoy together! Pre-reservation is preferred. Advanced ticket is 500 yen off ! For extra children, use optional menu at each booth.
12月21日には「親子 de Happy X’mas 」も行われますよ! 2500円の親子ペアチケットで、占い、ワークショップ、美容・癒やしのカテゴリーから1つずつ、計3つのブースが体験できます。事前予約をすれば 500 yen オフ ! お子さまが2人以上の場合は、各ブースでオプションメニューをご利用ください。
Oyako de Happy X’mas
12/21(Sat.) @10:00-18:00(Last Entry 16:00)
Kukken Hiroba 2 F
Pre-reservation : Line ID @ain9199i
What is the creator’s market floor ? | クリエーターズマーケットフロアとは?
Only on Saturdays, Sundays, and Japanese holidays, the 2nd floor of Kukken Hiroba turns to be a creator’s market floor. It’s called SPICE ★ WORKS! There will be handcrafted accessories, a massage booth, and fortune telling booths.
The most interesting guy on the floor is an American healer, Ken. He has a long career as a professional hard rock musician in America. Now he is offering reiki healing using his original healing music, tarot readings as well as original artworks.
A calligraphy workshop will be held in January. You can do the Japanese traditional First Writing of the year with Jyuzan , a Japanese calligraphy artist, and create your own calendar. The schedule is TBA.
くっけん広場2Fは土日祝日になるとクリエーターズマーケットフロアに変身! 人気のハンドメイド作家さんの作品が購入できるほか、占いやマッサージのブースもあるんです。なんと日本語ペラペラのアメリカ人占い師も! 外国人のお友達にぜひ紹介してください! 1月には、書道アーティスト寿山による書き初めカレンダーのワークショップもあるそう!ぜひお楽しみに~
Open: Weekends and Japanese holidays @10:00-18:00
Kukken Hiroba 2F
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/2TqX1VHPDPU9oLxN6
Run by Spice 編集部