Here is another cool down spot in Sasebo! Kujukushima Zoo & Botanical Garden MoriKirara will extend its opening hours to 8:30pm every Saturday and Japanese holidays until August 24th.
The Schedule is
・July 20th(Sat.) 27th (Sat.)
・August 3rd.(Sat.) 10th (Sat.) 11th (Sun.) 12th(Mon.) 17th (Sat.) 24th (Sat.)
Open 9:00 am
Close 8:30 pm ( Last admission 8:00 pm)
※ MoriKirara normally closes at 5:15 ( Last admission 4:45 pm)

Some animals become more active after the sun sets.
Yeah, some flowers bloom only at night as well.
They are referred to as nocturnal. You too, Yuki-sensei!
English brochures are available at the zoo!
At Morikirara Night, You will able to see
- Tsushima wild cats (endangered species) wandering and making sounds. What kind of sounds do you think they make? Meowing or growling?
- The unique habits of lesser pandas that only can be seen at night.
- Beavers, who are natural architects and many more creatures are active at night too!
In addition, don’t miss an opportunity to touch snakes and lizards !
You can interact with snakes and lizards at Animal Encounter Stage. If You Dare!
Time: 4:30 pm to 4:45 pm (15min)
6 pm to 6:15 pm (15min)
Kujukushima Zoo & Botanical Garden MoriKirara
Web site:
Tel: 0956-28-0011
「夜の森きらら」では夜行性のヤマネコ (wild cats) の鳴き声が聞けるかも! 一般的なネコの鳴き声といえば、 meow (ニャーと鳴く), purr(グルグルとノドを鳴らす), growl (低い声でうなる)など。ヤマネコはどんな風に鳴くのか、ぜひ確かめてみましょう!

botanical garden 植物園
opening hours 開園時間
nocturnal 夜行性の(形容詞)
wander ぶらつく
wild cat ヤマネコ
endangered species 絶滅危惧種
habit 習性
natural architect 自然界の建築家
interact with ~とふれあう
You can drop by this gelato shop which is located across the zoo.