In this edition of Naoko-sensei’s Recipe Corner, we will be making soy sauce-based ramen using dried shiitake mushroom soup stock. In our first recipe, we introduced a Chinese-flavored version of shoyu ramen. But this time, we use dried shiitake mushrooms, mentsuyu, and bonito broth to make the ramen more flavorful.
Prep. Shiitake Broth
□ 8 medium-sized (4-5 cm) dried shiitake

□ 300 cc (10 oz ) shiitake broth
□ 80 cc (2.7 oz) mentsuyu (commercially available noodle soup base)

□ 2 eggs
□ 1 stick bonito broth granules

□ 1 pack, char-siu pork

□ 2 bags ramen(らーめん) noodles (極細めん:extra-thin noodles)

□ Preferable amount of Asatsuki chives, chopped
1. dried shiitake mushroom broth 干しいたけのだし汁 、soy sauce-based 醤油ベースの、 flavorful 風味豊かな、char-siu pork(Chinese BBQ pork) チャーシュー、extra-thin 極細、asatsuki chive アサツキ(小ネギ)
Making dried shiitake mushroom broth is simple and easy. You only have to soak the dried mushrooms in water for 2 to 5 hours. Use 300 cc (10 oz) of water for the 8 dried mushrooms. Take out the mushrooms and squeeze them with your hands. The mushrooms can be used as a ingredient for the shoyu ramen.
【How to cook|作り方】
1.Put 2 eggs in boiled water gently. Boil them for 7 minutes and cool down with cold water, and peel the egg shells and cut them in half.

2.Pour 300 cc (10 oz) of the dried shiitake mushroom broth together with 2 to 4 mushrooms in a pot. Add 500 cc (17 oz) of water and 80 cc (2.7 oz) of mentsuyu (noodle soup base), and bring it to the boil. Add preferable amount of salt.

3.Add one stick of bonito broth granules.
4.Heat water to a boil in a different large pot. Put commercially available ramen noodles in and boil them for 1 minute and drain them. You can adjust the boiling time to your desired firmness. The thickness of ramen noodles varies on the products. Please follow the instructions written on the package.

This product says:
・Extremely firm(ハリガネ): 10 seconds
・Very firm (バリカタ): 20 seconds
・Firm(カタ): 30 seconds
・Normal(普通): 1 minute
・Soft(やわめ): 1 minute + more.
5.Put the boiled ramen noodles in a bowl. Pour boiled ramen soup over it and top the bowl with char-siu pork, boiled eggs, dried shiitake, and chopped chives.
Serve the ramen as soon as the noodles are boiled and eat it while it’s hot. 麺を茹でたら、すぐに器に入れて、熱いうちに食べましょう!
1. soak dried shiitake mushrooms in water =干しいたけを水に浸す 、heat water to a boil 水を沸騰させる、top A with B BをAの上に乗せる(トッピングする)、Eat something while it’s hot. ~を熱いうちに食べる。
【Related Article|関連記事】
Recipe Contributor |レシピ提供

Naoko Mori 森なおこ
‐Studied French cuisine under a former chief chef at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (ホテル椿山荘東京) for 3 years.
‐Acquired Japanese and herbal cuisine skills.
‐Cooking teacher for 10 years for Japanese and 7 years for Americans
‐Coordinating cooking classes for American cooking teachers
森なおこ先生の English出前プログラム 「外国人に日本の家庭料理を教えよう」はこちら↓