Yay! Sweet potatoes are back in season. During Autumn you will be able to find locally grown, amazingly sweet potatoes around town. This time, we will be introducing a dessert version of sweet potato tempura!
【Ingredients | 食材】

1 (300 g) sweet potato
1/2 cup pancake mix (hotto cake mix in Japan )
1 egg, beaten
50 cc ice water
cinnamon sugar (to taste)
salad oil
※ice water 氷水
【Directions |作り方】
1 . Cut one sweet potato into sticks 2 cm (3/4 inch ) wide. Soak them in water for 10 minutes and drain.
※cut something into sticks スティック状に切る。Soak something in water ~を水に浸す。

2. Mix pancake mix, beaten egg, and ice water in a bowl (to make batter) .
※batter 衣(粘りの少ない生地)
3. Pour salad oil in a thick pot up to 5 cm depth. Heat the oil to 170 to 180 degrees.
Before deep-frying, stir the heated oil with large chopsticks. That will even up the temperature.
4. Wipe the moisture off the sweet potato sticks with a paper towel. Dip them in the batter and deep-fry.
※wipe the moisture off ~の水分を拭く。

5. Deep-fry them. Make sure the temperature is not too high. Sweet potatoes will burn before they are cooked.
※burn (食材が)焦げる。cooked 煮える

Place the deep-fried sticks upright on a paper towel for 1 minute. So that you can drain off the oil well.
※upright 立てて(直立に), drain off (油を)切る

5. Sprinkle the tempuras with cinnamon and sugar while they are hot.
※Sprinkle ~に(粉などを / with )振りかける, while they are hot 熱いうちに

You can top them with jam and whipped cream. So delicious!

【Related Articles| 関連記事 】
Naoko-sensei’s Sasebo Star Cooking Class
Schedule: TBA
Time: from 10 am to 1 pm
Fee: 2500 yen for adult, 1500 yen (U 18), 1000 yen (U 15)
Place: Nishi-chiku Community Center (see the map below)
Contact and reservation : https://www.facebook.com/naoko.mori.921?epa=SEARCH_BOX
英語で学べる料理教室「させぼスタークッキングクラス」は 西地区公民館で開催中。外国人と一緒に料理が学べますよ。
Naoko sensei’s Profile
Naoko Mori 森なおこ
‐Studied French cuisine under a former chief chef at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (ホテル椿山荘東京) for 3 years.
‐Acquired Japanese and herbal cuisine skills.
‐Cooking teacher for 10 years for Japanese and 7 years for Americans
‐Coordinating cooking classes for American cooking teachers