Today we are going to introduce iced green tea with a mint flavor. You can easily buy a bottle of green tea at a vending machine. But knowing how to make delicious homemade iced tea will be beneficial for you. Because not only you can enjoy the rich flavors, aroma and the color, but also you can protect yourself against virus by rinsing your throat. Green tea includes catechins which have a bacteriocidal effect.
2 tbsp green tea leaves
ice cubes
hot water
3~5 fresh mint leaves
1 . Heat 1 liter of hot water in a pot and boil it for about 3 minutes.
2. Put green tea and fresh mint leaves into a tea bag and put the bag in the pot.

3. Pour 300 cc of the boiled water in a heat resistant glass pot or a pitcher. and let it stand for 3 minutes ( shake the pot several times ).
4. Pour the rest of boiled water into a bowl and cool down.

5. Add ice cubes up to 1/2 depth of the glass pot, and pour the water of Step. 4.
6. Get rid of the tea bag and quickly put it into the refrigerator.

You should put the hot green tea in the fridge right away to chill. So that, you can keep the tea green ( it won’t turn brown). できた緑茶をすぐに冷ますと、茶色く変色せずきれいな緑色に!

Naoko-sensei’s Sasebo Star Cooking Class
Schedule: TBA
Time: from 10 am to 1 pm
Fee: 2500 yen for adult, 1500 yen (U 18), 1000 yen (U 15)
Place: Nishi-chiku Community Center (see the map below)
Contact and reservation : https://www.facebook.com/naoko.mori.921?epa=SEARCH_BOX
英語で学べる料理教室「させぼスタークッキングクラス」は 西地区公民館で開催中。外国人と一緒に料理が学べますよ。
Naoko sensei’s Profile
Naoko Mori 森なおこ
‐Studied French cuisine under a former chief chef at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (ホテル椿山荘東京) for 3 years.
‐Acquired Japanese and herbal cuisine skills.
‐Cooking teacher for 10 years for Japanese and 7 years for Americans
‐Coordinating cooking classes for American cooking teachers