・ 50 g Cake flour (not all-purpose )
・ 1 tbsp mayonnaise
・ 75 ml cold water
・ 1/2 kabocha squash, sliced into 5 to 8 mm
・ 1 sweet potato, round sliced into 5 to 8 mm
・ 1 chicken breast, cut into chunks
・ 1/2 renkon( lotus roots), cut into 5 to 8 mm of half circles
・ 1 eggplant, round sliced into 5 to 8 mm
・ Shirodashi (mizkan, commercially available)
Tip. 1 Before cutting the sweet potato, the renkon, and the squash, microwave those with a plastic wrap for 50 seconds.
今回のレシピは天ぷら! 外国人にも人気の和食メニューの1つですね。衣にマヨネーズを入れるのが、なおこ先生流!
(単語) tbsp (tablespoonの略)大さじ、 chicken breast 鶏むね肉, eggplant なす
小麦粉は北米で”中力粉(all-purpose )”が主流。外国人に教えるときは、薄力粉(cake flour, soft flour )と伝えましょう。
Step 1. Make tempura batter / 天ぷらの衣を作る
1. Put 1 tbsp of mayonnaise ( the same size as egg yolk) into a bowl. And add 75 ml of cold water little by little into it.
2. Combine cake the flour with the mixture and mix lightly.
Tip 2. Don’t mix the flour too much!
(単語)batter 衣、egg yolk 卵の黄身、Add A to B BにAを加える、 little by little 少しずつ、
Step 2.Prepare tempura souse.
1. Dilute shirodashi with one tenth amount of water. And heat it for a short time.
(単語) dilute A with B AをBで薄める
Step 3. Deep-fry ingredients / 材料を揚げる
1. Wipe the moisture off the vegetable with a paper towel.
2. Fill the thick pot one third of the way up with salad oil. Heat the oil to 180 degrees.
3. Dip the vegetables and sliced chicken breast in the batter with large chopsticks. And slowly put them in the oil and fry them.
4. Fry one side and then turn over and fry the other side.
5. Transfer the tempura to a plate covered with a paper towel. Serve with tempura sauce.
Tip 3. When the bubbles around each tempura get smaller, it’s time to pick the tempura out.
(単語)wipe the moisture off~ ~から水分を拭き取る、 Heat the oil to ~ degree 油を~度に熱する。Dip O in the batter Oを衣にくぐらせる。 Fill A with B BをAで満たす one third of the way up 1/3の高さのところまで
Schedule of Naoko-sensei’s class on October.
Naoko-sensei’s class schedule (Sasebo Star Cooking Class)
Oct. 14 (Mon). Oct. 26 from 10 am to 1 pm
Menu: Pork or chicken cutlet, stewed soy sauce vegetable , and Japanese soup .
Fee: 2500 yen for one person
Place: Nishi-chiku Community Center (see the map below)
Contact and reservation :
英語で学べる料理教室「させぼスタークッキングクラス」は 西地区公民館で開催中。10月はトンカツ(またはチキンカツ)! 外国人と一緒に料理が学べますよ。
Naoko sensei’s Profile
Naoko Mori 森なおこ
‐Studied French cuisine under a former chief chef at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (ホテル椿山荘東京) for 3 years.
‐Acquired Japanese and herbal cuisine skills.
‐Cooking teacher for 10 years for Japanese and 7 years for Americans
‐Coordinating cooking classes for American cooking teachers