Stir-fried Cabbage with garlic, butter and soy sauce :Naoko-sensei’s Japanese Recipe No. 23【なおこ先生の日本料理 23】キャベツのガリバタ醤油炒め | 英語レシピ


Using a readymade mixture is really convenient for busy moms and beginners for Japanese cooking but the problem is that the instruction is only written in Japanese. On this Naoko-sensei’s recipe corner, we are going to introduce soy sauce-based stir-fried cabbage (kyabetsu itame キャベツ炒め) using a readymade mixture produced by Kikkoman(キッコーマン). The sauce mixed with soy-sauce, garlic and butter is flavorful and tasty. It goes well with beer.

今回のなおこ先生のレシピコーナーでは、日本のスーパーで買える”和風料理の素”の使ったレシピを紹介します。使用したのはキッコーマンの「キャベツのガリバタ醤油炒め」。簡単にできておいしいですが、日本語が読めない方にはちょっと不便! そこでEチャンで英語版にしました。

1. readymade mixture 既製品の素 、soy sauce-based 醤油ベースの、 flavorful 風味豊かな


□ 300g cabbage or 1/4 head of large cabbage, cut into chunks (4cm × 4cm)

□ 200 sliced pork belly, cut into 5 cm in lengths

□ 1 pack Kyabetsu no Garibata Syoyu Itame (キャベツのガリバタ醤油炒め) made by Kikkoman

□ 1 tsp salad oil

1. a head of cabbage キャベツ1個、cut into chunks 一口大に切る、cut into 5 cm in lengths 5センチ幅に切る

【How to cook|作り方】

1.Heat oil in a frying pan. Stir-fry pork belly for about 3 minute over medium heat (until cooked).

2.Add diced cabbage and stir-fry for 2 to 3 minutes over medium heat.

3. Add one silver pack of the sauce and stir-fry one minutes over medium heat.

1. Heat oil in a frying pan フライパンに油を引いて熱する。over medium heat 中火で

【Supermarket Shopping Tour|スーパー買い物ツアー】

Japanese cooking teacher Naoko-sensei is offering an English shopping tour on an irregular basis. In Sasebo Gobangai, Naoko-sensei will show you around supermarket Ellena and introduce Japanese foodstuffs such as Japanese soup stock, udon noodles, easy-to-make gyoza and more. Four people joined in the first tour in October. It was a great success. The next tour date is November 10 (Thu.) . The detail is below.

【Ellena Shopping Tour with Naoko-sensei】

Date: November 10 (Thu.) at 13:00
Place: Ellena inside Sasebo Gobangai 【MAP】
Max: 5 people (2 people already booked.)
Fee: 300 yen

*Participants should be triple vaccinated.
*Wear a mask in the store.


This tour is already getting popular among navy wives. 米軍基地のママさんの間で好評のツアーです。

1. foodstuff
食料品、食材, show someone around 人を案内する

Recipe Contributor |レシピ提供

Naoko Mori 森なおこ
‐Studied French cuisine under a former chief chef at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (ホテル椿山荘東京) for 3 years.
‐Acquired Japanese and herbal cuisine skills.
‐Cooking teacher for 10 years for Japanese and 7 years for Americans
‐Coordinating cooking classes for American cooking teachers

森なおこ先生の English出前プログラム 「外国人に日本の家庭料理を教えよう」はこちら↓

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