The first recipe of 2022 in our Naoko-sensei’s Japanese recipe corner is crispy prawn spring rolls. It’s not a traditional Japanese food but it’s customary to eat prawns during the New Year season in Japan. The long barbs and bent body symbolizes a aged person. So, a prawn is believed to be a good lucky food for longevity. The spring rolls were once served to important foreign guests at the State Guest House.
2022年、初の英語レシピはエビ料理です。 エビは縁起のいい食べ物。長生きするので、長寿を願ってお正月にも食べますよね。今回、なおこ先生が紹介するレシピは、日本の迎賓館で外国の要人が来た時に出された料理だそうですよ。
□ 6 prawns
□ 3 shiso herbs, cut in half. (or 1 sprig of fresh rosemary)
□ 3 spring roll wrappers
□ ketchup
□ chili sauce
□ Flour, corn starch, salad oil
Tip. 1 You can substitute shiso herb with rosemary or mints.
How to cook
- Prepare prawns:
1) Twist the head off the body, peel away the shell and legs.
2) Pinch the tail and gently pull it out. 。
3) Stick the tip of a toothpick into the back of a prawn and pull out a black vein.
Tip 2. Don’t throw away the heads of the prawns. Coat them with corn starch and deep-fry them.
2. Bring spring roll wrappers to room temperature. Cut the wrappers diagonally in half to form 2 triangles.
3. Place a prawn and a half-cut shiso on the base of the triangle.
4. Roll it and seal it with glue made from flower and water. You don’t need to seal the both sides of the wrapper.
5. Deep-fry them in salad oil at 330 °F ー340°F (160℃ ー 170℃) until golden brown.
6. Mix equal parts ketchup and chili sauce to make a delicious dipping sauce.
□ 海老 6 尾
□ 青じそ 3枚(ローズマリーやミントで代用も可)
□ 春巻きの皮 3枚
□ ケチャップ
□ チリソース
□ 小麦粉、コーンスターチ、サラダ油
- エビの下処理:
1) 頭を外し殻を剥く。
2) 尾もつまんで抜き取る。
2. 春巻きの皮を室温に戻し、斜め半分にカットする(三角にする)。
3. 春巻きの皮の三角の底辺に、エビとシソを乗せる。
4. くるくる巻いて、小麦粉と水で作ったノリでくっつける。両サイドはそのままに。
5. 160℃~170℃のサラダ油で焼き色がつくまで揚げる。
6. ケチャップとチリソースを半々に混ぜる。
Cut spring roll wrappers diagonally in half.
*diagonally 斜めに
Substitute shiso herb with rosemary or mints.
Twist the head off the body.
背わた vein
Bring something to room temperature.
on the base of the triangle.
Deep-fry something in salad oil
until golden brown
Recipe Contributor |レシピ提供
Naoko Mori 森なおこ
‐Studied French cuisine under a former chief chef at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (ホテル椿山荘東京) for 3 years.
‐Acquired Japanese and herbal cuisine skills.
‐Cooking teacher for 10 years for Japanese and 7 years for Americans
‐Coordinating cooking classes for American cooking teachers
森なおこ先生の English出前プログラム 「外国人に日本の家庭料理を教えよう」はこちら↓