Oven-baked salmon in foil is a popular home-cooked meal here in Japan. It’s even more delicious during autumn because salmon put on fat this time of year. The miso mayo sauce version of salmon in foil is really flavorful and tasty. It’s so quick and easy to prepare. It’s a perfect dish to throw together on your busy weeknights!
今回はサーモンのオーブン焼きをご紹介します。“オーブンで焼く”は、お菓子の場合“bake”、肉や魚の場合は“roast” とされますが、お魚のホイル焼きに関しては“baked や oven-baked” が多いようでした。ホイル焼きの場合は” in foil” をあとにつけて”Baked ○○ in foil “です。サーモンの上にみそマヨソースを塗って、ホイルで焼くだけなので、忙しい日にささっと作れますね。ちなみに“ささっと作る”はwhip up (手早く作る)”や、 throw together (急いで用意する)で表現できますよ。
① Season または Sprinkle
② Mix
③ sliced
④ Spread
⑤ at, for
Ingredients | 材料
□ 2 salmon fillets
□ 1/3 onion, sliced
□ 1.5 tbsp miso
□ 1 tbsp mayonnaise
□ 2 sliced lemon
*tbsp= table spoon (大さじ)
How to cook | 作り方
- Season the salmon with salt and black pepper.
Tip. 1 Don’t season too much. Miso and mayonnaise also include salt.
2. Mix miso with mayonnaise to make sauce.
3. Fold the foil and close it to to make a foil pocket.
4. Place the sliced onions on a sheet of foil. and put the salmon fillets on top, skin side down.
5. Spread the miso and mayonnaise sauce on the filets and place 2 sliced lemons on top.
6. Preheat and bake at 180℃ for 7 minutes.
Tip 2. You can even cook in a small Japanese toaster oven.
A fillet of salmon
Salmon put on fat at this time of year
A popular home-cooked meal
You can throw together the meal on your busy weeknights.
Season with salt and black pepper.
*Sprinkle with ~を振りかける も使えます。
Skin side down
Bake at 180 ℃ for 7 minutes
Recipe Contributor |レシピ提供
Naoko Mori 森なおこ
‐Studied French cuisine under a former chief chef at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (ホテル椿山荘東京) for 3 years.
‐Acquired Japanese and herbal cuisine skills.
‐Cooking teacher for 10 years for Japanese and 7 years for Americans
‐Coordinating cooking classes for American cooking teachers