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A new Hawaiian takeout restaurant has just opened along Sasebo river. It’s called “Finger Lickin”. We were really curious as to what types of food they are serving, and weather it really is finger lickin’ good ? So, we decided to give them a visit.
佐世保川沿いにハワイアン料理のテイクアウト店「Finger Lickin(フィンガーリッキン)」がオープン! “Finger Lickin”とは、“指をなめたくなるくらい”という意味(アメリカのケンタッキーフライドチキンのキャッチコピー、It’s Finger Lickin’ Good!が有名)。どんな料理か気になる~!!ということで、Eチャンライターが早速、行ってみました。
【ハワイのB級グルメ “ガーリックシュリンプ” /The Specialty is Hawaiian Garlic Shrimp 】

The specialty of Finger Lickin is Garlic Shrimp. Hawaiian local food from the North Shore of Oahu is already hugely popular in the US. The shop has already gained a following amongst its many American customers. It isn’t very popular in Japan yet but wow, the picture of this dish makes us hungry! !
【メニューはシンプル! / The menu is simple!】
Their menu is simple. They only have three kinds of food on the menu at the moment: Garlic shrimp, Crazybeef Steak, and Garlic Grilled Chicken. You can adjust the spiciness of the habanero pepper in the sauce . We ordered the entire menu.
フードメニューはシンプルで選びやすい! ガーリックシュリンプの他、海老の代わりにステーキ肉とチキンを使った、クレイジービーフステーキ、ガーリックグリルチキンの3種です。ソースの辛さが調節可能! 1つずつ注文したよ。

【3種類、全部見せ! /Here are the three foods! 】
The owner used to be a cook at a restaurant on the Sasebo navy base. So, he knows what real American food is like. Once he found out about garlic shrimp, he tried to recreate the authentic taste from the advice of his American friends. He has created his own special recipe. He makes the sauce from scratch and serves three kinds of delicious dishes as seen below.
こちらが3種のフードメニュー! 米軍基地内のレストランで働いていたというオーナーさん。ガーリックシュリンプを知ったあと、アメリカ人の友人のアドバイスを元に、限りなく本場の味に近づけたそう。漬けダレやソースも手作り!

【食べた感想は? / How was the taste ? 】
The shrimp is fresh and bouncy! I also loved the lean beef that wasn’t at all too oily. In addition to the garlic sauce, the spicy dip sauce on the side makes it even more delicious! I really wanted to have a beer with it!
海老はプリップリ! ステーキは油っこくなくてペロリと食べられます。 上に乗っているガーリックソースに加えて、付属のソースを漬けるとおいしさが倍増! ビールが飲みたくなるー!
ニンニクたっぷりなので、デートの場合は一緒に食べて道連れにすべし! Since there is a lot of garlic in the sauce, don’t eat it before going on a date. You should rather eat them together.

Though not officially on the menu yet, they are experimenting with different varieties of fruit soda. They go really well with the spicy dishes. The flavors are green apple, passion fruit, pineapple, and lemon from the left of the photo above.
【オーナーご夫婦がフレンドリー / Super Friendly Vibes】

スタッフさんがすごく優しかった! むしろその優しさでおなかがいっぱいになった。
We were impressed with their super friendly service. That itself made us feel happy.
【お店情報 / SHOP DATA】
店名 / Name | フンガーリッキン/Finger Lickin |
営業時間 / Hours | 11:00 – 20:00 |
定休日 / Holidays | None |
駐車場 / Parking | 無し / Not available |
住所 / address | 佐世保市湊町7−4 7-4 Minato-machi, Sasebo |
TEL | 090-6299-3595 |
IG | Click here |