熊本の味を佐世保で! 「馬食う馬祭り」【馬刺しで女子会ランチ】Nanaka: Horse Eating Horse Festival 【Basashi in Sasebo】

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2020年が終わる前に、変わった食べ物に挑戦したい! というわけで、佐世保では珍しい「馬刺し」を食べてきました!! [日本語続きはコチラから]

Before 2020 ends, we wanted to try unusual foods. So, we went out to eat basashi (horse meat sashimi) under the name of “Horse Eating Horse Festival” ! As a special guest we invited Rina-sensei, a former professional model and a modeling teacher at Starlight School ! (About Rina-sensei click here )

What is Basashi ?

Basashi means horsemeat sashimi. Thin sliced rare horse meat is generally served with grated ginger and garlic as spices, and with soy sauce. Horse meat isn’t common ingredient in supermarkets. But in particular areas of Japan, it has a long cultural tradition dating back to at least 16 century. Kumamoto Prefecture in western Kyushu is the most famous place for its horse meat. More info is here.

If you want to dive into deep Japanese culture and experience basashi in Sasebo, you should go to Nanaka, a Japanese home cuisine restaurant. You can eat authentic and delicious basashi since the owner is from Kumamoto Prefecture.

Here is her Basashi. Lean meat is on the left, marbled meat is on the right, the middle one is horse mane. The basashi plate is 2800 yen for 2 people. It sounds a little expensive. But considering its quality and rareness, it’s worth more than the price!

Here is our short video!

It was fresh and delicious! It didn’t have much strong flavor.

I hesitated to eat horse mane at first because it’s just made of fat. But, I preferred horse mane to meaty lean meat. It melts in your mouth.

It was sweet and chewy. Horse mane tasted similar to fluke fin of flatfish.

We all surprised that horse meat is lighter and healthier than beef. It’s not gamey, super tasty ! If you want to try unusual foods while living in Japan, we highly recommend basashi, especially sweet chewy horse mane!

To Know more about Nanaka





皆さんも熊本に旅行に行ったり、お土産でもらったりして、食べたことがある人は多いのでは? そんな馬刺しが佐世保でも美味しく食べられる店があるんですよー。それは「家庭料理 ななか」。熊本県出身のオーナーさんが本場の味を提供してくれます。

今回、私たちが食べたのは こちら! 赤身(左)と霜降り(右)、たてがみ(手前)です。

すごく新鮮! クセがなくて美味しい!

“たてがみって脂でしょ? 無理ーっ!”って思ったのに、赤身よりも肉っぽくなくて美味しかった!



2人前で2800円とやや高価ですが、クオリティーを考えると納得のお値段! たてがみが食べられるお店は、佐世保ではホントに珍しいと思います! ぜひ、皆さんもトライしてみてね。

ところで今回、一緒にランチしたRina先生。ほっそりしたモデル体型ながら、食べるのが大好きで、お肉でも何でもたくさん食べるそう。「 えーっ!どうやって体型維持してるんですかー?」って、(皆さんを代表して)聞いてみたよ。

体重は毎日、欠かさず計ってます! 増えすぎてから戻すのって、精神的にとても辛いから。

それ重要! 私も体重が気になる時は夜の炭水化物を減らしてる。



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