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Hello everyone!
February 3rd is the day of Setsubun. Since old New Year started on February 4th (Risshun) on Chinese calendar, Setsubun was New Year’s Eve back in the day.
On this day, people in Japan hold “Mame-maki”. We throw roasted beans inside and outside their houses while shouting “Demons out, Fortune in! (Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi) ” and then, eat the same number of beans as your age to wish their good health over the year.
You can buy beans and masks at shops or supermarkets, also join Mame-maki events at shrines in Sasebo. Let’s invite happiness in your house with this traditional Japanese style.
2月3日は節分。 旧暦では2月4日の立春が年の始まりになることから、節分は昔でいう大みそかに当たります。この日、日本の家庭で行うのが「豆まき」です。「鬼は外、福は内」と叫びながら豆をまき、そのあと自分の年の数だけ豆を食べて、一年の無病息災を願います。スーパーには豆まきセットもたくさん並び、市内の神社では豆まきイベントも行われますよ。みなさんも豆まきで「福」を呼び込んでくださいね!