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On September 19, “Kujukushima Cleanup Challenge” was held! Citizens of Sasebo got together at Kujukushima Pearl Sea Resort in the early morning, and cleaned up the seaside area. Yuki-sensei went there to cover the event.
What is “Kujukushima Cleanup Challenge”?
It’s an annual cleanup event held every September 19.
Why is it held on September 19 ?
Sasebo City designated September 19 as Kujukushima Day in order to protect our beautiful Kujukushima.
Yes, Kujukushima is our very own precious natural treasure. It has to be protected for our future generations! In fact, Kujukushima proudly belongs to a worldwide NPO called The Club of Most Beautiful Bays in the World !

【400 People Attended!】

Roughly four hundred of people participated in the 7th cleanup event including people from the US base. Yuki-sensei was impressed at the awareness and willingness of those people. In response to the current COVID-19 situation, participants were advised to wear masks and practice social distancing during the event.
After opening remarks from the Mayor of Sasebo, everyone started picking up trash. The seaside of Kujukushima looked fairly clean. But when we took a closer look, there were cigarette butts, litter, plastic waste, etc. We also saw more fallen leaves than usual, due to the recent typhoon. But since we worked together, it didn’t take a long time until those things were swept up.

【Where did all of the trash come from?】
This year there were many fallen leaves and stuff blown in by the strong winds due to the recent typhoon. we also saw mismanaged litter and trash… According to Kujukushima visitor center, sometimes trash from other Asian countries travels all the way to the northern part of Kujukushima! So, lets make sure to keep our nature clean and try to use as many recyclable products as possible.
そう、九十九島は後世に残すべき、市民の大切な宝! 何しろ…九十九島は、「世界で最も美しい湾クラブ」にも認定されてるんです。


市長の挨拶のあと、実際に清掃活動に入ります。九十九島の海岸は一見、ゴミなんてないように見えますが、よく見るとプラスチックやタバコの吸い殻などが落ちていました。ことしは台風の影響で、枯れ葉もたくさん。 でも皆さんで力を合わせると、あっという間にきれいに!

ことしは台風の影響で、枯れ葉や暴風で飛ばされてきたゴミが多くありました。そして、訪れた方が残していったと思われるプラスチック類などもチラホラ… また九十九島ビジターセンターの職員さんの話によると、清掃した地域よりも北部(北九十九島)は、外海が近いため、遠くアジアからのゴミが流れつくこともあるそう!あらためて、掃除すること、ゴミを捨てないこと、プラスチックの利用を減らすことの大切さを感じますね。
9月19日は「World Cleanup Day」の開催日でもあったようです。World Cleanup Dayは世界の人々が一斉に行う大掃除イベント!
World Cleanup Day 日本語のサイト