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【What is MyNaPoint?】
We hear a lot about “MyNaPoint” these days in Japan. What is it? How does it work? How does it give “premium”? Rie sensei decided to check it out!
【Individual Number Card Points】
MyNaPoint is Japanese acronym for “Individual Number Card Points (My-Number-Card-Points)”.
It’s part of a government-led reward-point program which aims to promote Individual Number Card (“My Number”) and Cashless Payment in Japan.
- use credit cards and other cashless payment services including e-money and in return receive up to 25% of that amount as points for your chosen cashless payment method
- started from Sept 1st
- you can receive up to 5,000 yen worth of points (=up to 20,000 yen worth of shopping or e-money charge)
- how you receive back points differs according to payment service (eg. receive one month worth of shopping points the following month)
- valid till end of March 2021
- you need to register your Individual Number Card using an app in advance
- you can choose only 1 cashless payment method
Read more HERE about Individual Number Card Points (Official PDF)
【25% Premium!】
You get 5,000 yen worth of shopping points for 20,000… so the premium is 25%!! This is higher than Sasebo City’s Sasebo Shopping Tickets (Sasebo Shinkoken) which offered 750 yen plus per 5,000 yen – a 15% premium.
So why aren’t people rushing to register??
【First hurdle: Indivicual Number Card】
Yes… in order to register for Individual Number Card Points, you first need to apply for an Individual Number Card.
The other day we asked our readers whether they have an Individual Number Card, and about 60% said they don’t (via Instagram stories).
Fortunately, Rie sensei had applied for the Card in the past – here is the post about it↓
We believe this is the first and the biggest obstacle in registering for Individual Number Card Points.
How to apply for an Individual Number Card in Sasebo (Japanese only)
About Indivicual Number Card in general (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications website)
It is a bit cumbersome but the actual process is very easy and quick so we hope you take this opportunity to make one for yourself.
【Reminder when making Individual Number Card】
When making an Individual Number Card, you need to setup 4 passwords. Out of which, two are mandatory and two are optional. But if you’re registering for the Individual Number Card Points later on, make sure to setup the optional passwords as well!
When registering for Individual Number Card Points, password “For Convenient Store Services and Individual Number Card Points (② above)” will be required. It is not mandatory for the application of Individual Number Card so Rie sensei did not set it up initially… and deeply regrets it!
Password for Individual Number Card Points can be setup later. Rie sensei went to her nearby City Hall branch and the process took only 5 min.
But travelling itself is waste of time and it takes some time for the new password to be updated (it took Rie sensei 24hours!) so we do urge you to create all passwords at the time of Card application!
【Which payment service should I choose?】
Unfortunately we cannot answer this question.
This is because the timing of campaign and application greatly vary.
For example, PayPay had a campaign of winning 1 million yen points by draw but this ended in Aug. Rie sensei wanted to register her credit card she uses on daily basis, but found out she’d have to wait until Oct according to the credit card company.
And to be honest, there are too many payment services out there that it’s impossible to go through them all. So if interested, do make your own search on internet.
Ultimately, Rie sensei’s recommendation is:
“Choose a payment service that you’ll definitely use for more than 20,000 yen shopping/e-charge by end of March 2021“
Rie sensei decided to use a payment service that is available at her nearby supermarket.
【Let’s register using an app!】
So your Individual Number Card is ready and you have chosen your payment service? Let’s move on to the actual registration!
Do follow this easy step-by-step guide:
So if you have your Individual Number Card, registering for Individual Number Card Points is easy!
(Although she had to wait one day for the password setup) it only took Rie sensei merely 5 min for actual registration.
Only 5 min and you can gain back 5,000 yen worth of points! Don’t miss this opportunity!
If you have any questions, do tell us! You can reach us via Facebook or Instagramor from comment below!
最近「マイナポイント」ってよく聞くけど、よくわからない…という方は多いのではないでしょうか? Rie先生もその一人。そこで今回、重い腰を上げて、登録してみることにしました!
- クレジットカード、キャッシュレス決済アプリ、電子マネーの現金チャージなどが対象
- マイナンバーカードの普及と、キャッシュレス化の推進を目指して国がやっている事業
- 9月1日からスタート
- ポイント還元の上限は5000円分(お買い物やチャージの金額の合計が2万円になるまで)
- 還元の方法は月末締めで一ヶ月分のお買い物額に対するポイントを翌月に還付など、決済サービスによって様々
- 期限は2021年3月末まで
- 利用にはマイナンバーカードを使ってインターネットで事前の申し込みが必要
- ポイント還元を受ける決済サービスは1つだけ
これは利用するしかない! いざ、登録~!! …と!?