Ahh! I’m so hot. Where do people in Sasebo go swimming?
There are 2 popular places. One is a pool and another one is a beach.
Yay! A pool and a beach! Sounds good! Info pleeeeease.

Sasebo Sogo Ground Pool a.k.a Tako-chan pool
(佐世保市総合グラウンドプール 通称「タコちゃんプール」) Web
Entrance fee : Highschool students & adults : 450 yen
Elementary & middle school students : 180 yen
Kids under elementary school : 110 yen
Water slide : 3 rides for 110 yen (vending machine near the slide)
Address: Shiinoki-cho, Sasebo MAP
Tel : 0956-47-3125
Hours : 9:00 – 17:00
Open from 4th Sun in June – first Sun in Sept
This is one of the oldest, most popular, and definitely the most fun pools in the city. It has a changeroom, but no shower. Parking space is in front of the facility but gets very crowded. Since it’s old, facility may not be state-of-the-art, but it’s clean, has homey-atmosphere, and is perfect for family fun.
Note on Tattoo policy for pools: all tattoos must be covered with rash guards (jacket-like top that you wear over your swim suit for protection of skin). Rental rash guards are available, but not many. Ask staff.

Hey wait, what’s “tako” ? ねぇ待って、「タコ」って何よ?
The name “Tako-chan” comes from the iconic tako (=octopus) shaped fountain in kid’s pool. OK then, next is the beach!

Shirahama Beach (白浜海水浴場) Web
Address : 3248 Tawaragaura-cho MAP
Hours : 9:00 – 17:00 (weekday), 9:00 – 18:00 (weekends & holidays)
Entrance Fee : 410 yen (junior high school student or older), 260 yen (elementary school student or younger)
520 yen (for a mat to place under the shack)
Open from second Sat in July – Aug 20
More than 30,000 people visit here annually. The area includes a stretch of sandy beach surrounded by palm trees and clear blue water. Showers, bathrooms and shacks are available.

Alright! I am SO ready to go! オッケー!もう、今すぐにでも、超 行きたい!
Right, you go girl. はいは~い、いってらっしゃいな。
Hope you all enjoy your summer too! みなさんも、夏を楽しんでくださいね!