Here we show pics of everyday food in Sasebo!
Today we have three dinner photos from a typical Sasebo family.
Read the menu under the pics.
The second dinner shows “takenoko (bamboo shoot)” dish.
Takenokos are a taste of spring in Japan.
You can purchase bamboo shoots in supermarkets, but some people actually go takenoko-digging in nearby bamboo forest.
High in protein, low-cal, crunchy and juicy, bamboo shoots are a seasonal delicacy!
Send us pics of YOUR dinner, lunch, breakfast, or snacks.
Understanding food is a key to understanding culture!
食の理解は文化の理解につながります。日米双方の「Everyday food」を紹介していければと思います。
たけのこ:bamboo shoot
taste of spring:「春を告げる味」のニュアンスです
go takenoko digging:たけのこ掘りに行く
low-cal:low in caloriesの略。「低カロ」ですね。
seasonal delicacy:季節のごちそう
Send us YOUR home meals/snacks!
Food contributor/ごはん協力:keisuke