The 9th Sasebo Expo, one of the iconic intercultural events in Sasebo, was held on Friday, May 3, 2024, during the Golden Week holidays. This Sasebo’s iconic intercultural event was organized by our colleague “Sasebo Expo Team”, and launched as a part of the Sasebo Intercultural Project hosted by Sasebo City. Both Japanese and non-Japanese participants can experience each other’s culture together. This time, the theme of this event was “Cool Sasebo”.
ゴールデンウィーク中の5月3日(金)、国際交流イベント「Sasebo Expo 2024」が開催されました。こちらはEチャンと同じく佐世保市の「英語で交わるまちプロジェクト」のもとで活動する「Sasebo Expo」チームが運営しています。 Sasebo Expo では日本人と外国人がお互いの文化を一緒に体験できる場を提供しています。今回は「COOL SASEBO」をテーマに開催されました。
The Number of Participants was a Record High! |参加者は過去最大!
The venue was changed from Machinaka Community Center to Sasebo Citizens’ Cultural Hall which was the original venue before the COVID-19 crisis. A record high, more than three hundred thirty-seven participants enjoyed the upgraded event. Due to the large number, the event is divided into two parts: morning and afternoon.
今回は会場をまちなかコミュニティーセンターから佐世保市民文化ホールへ移しての開催となりました。佐世保市民文化ホールでSasebo Expo が行われたのはコロナ禍以前の4年ぶりです! パワーアップしたイベントには、過去最大となる337名が参加。人数が多いため、午前と午後の2部制で行われましたよ。
Americans Kids Experienced Japanese Culture|アメリカ人の児童が日本文化を体験
Over 100 students from Sasebo Elementary School in the U.S. Navy base experienced Japanese culture such as koto instruments, plate spinning, origami, aikido, and more.

International Exchange over Games and Dances|ゲームやダンスで国際交流
Games and dances facilitate communication between foreign residents and local Japanese people. They enjoyed Sasebo top spinning, American games, and dances this time.

New Booth: Eco-education in English|エコを学ぶ新ブース
Seasebo Ecolab, a local organization promoting sustainable life, participated in this event for the first time. Naoko-sensei, a Japanese food recipe contributor on the Sasebo E channel, gave a lecture on how to dispose of garbage through magic.

Voices from Participants |参加者の声
There was a lot of positive feedback, such as:
-I enjoyed it a lot.
-I was able to communicate with American people through dance.
-I want to study English more to speak fluently next time I come here.
-I was happy that I was able to experience Aikido.
The event organizer, the Sasebo Expo Team is already planning the next event. We are sure that the Sasebo Expo will become even more exciting in the future. Do look forward to it!
運営のエキスポチームの皆さんは、もう次の開催を視野に入れています。今後ますます「Sasebo Expo」が盛り上がっていくといいですね。次回の開催をお楽しみに。