Borderless Lounge is a really cool place to visit in Nagayo cho, just outside of Nagasaki City. You will definitely enjoy the relaxing countryside of Nagasaki prefecture since it is a renovated mikan warehouse of a former mandarin orange picking co-op. The interior will impress your adventurous spirit. On the 1st floor, there are locally made delicious foods and handmade goods. There is also a bread shop and a muffin shop in the back.
長崎市に入る手前の長与町に、「日本中の田舎を遊び場に」をコンセプトにしたカフェがあります。元みかん選果場の倉庫をリノベーションしたお店で、大人の冒険心をくすぐるようなインテリアが印象的。1階には、長崎市近郊の美味しいものやハンドメイドグッズがたくさん! 奥にはパンとマフィンのお店もありますよ。
You can place your order for foods and drinks on the first floor. Their specialties are wild boar dishes such as spicy wild boar curry, wild boar cheese taco rice, and jerk wild boar! Their delicious home made lemonade can be customized with additional flavors (+300 yen) and fizzy drinks (+50 yen)! Frozen lemonade will be perfect for a hot summer day (+100 yen) !
1階でカフェメニューを注文できます。名物はイノシシ料理! 手作りのレモネードは、カスタマイズ自由! 青リンゴやカシス、マンゴーなどのフレーバーをプラスできます。フローズン(+100円)は夏にピッタリ!
There is a relaxing and spacious dining area on the 2nd floor. The sofas and tables are really fashionable. So, it was hard to decide where to sit.
You can see a great view of Omura Bay from the window seat. Their frozen lemonade uses locally grown lemons.
Wild boar cheese taco rice with a soft boiled egg has been popular since Borderless Cafe first opened.
Of course, takeout orders are fine. You can call ahead to place your order. The parking lot is located about 20 to 30 meters away from the Cafe.
HOURS | 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Close on Wednesday |
ADDRESS | 長崎県 西彼杵郡 長与町岡郷 2244 2244 Okagou Nagayo-chou, Nishisonogi gun [ Map] |
Tell | WEB | 095-894-5321, Instagram |
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