What’s for dinner? Meal planning can be a really stressful task for everyone who juggles work and home life. Today we are going to introduce a super easy Japanese-style carpaccio using Ponzu vinegar! It’s amazing and you can whip it up in minutes!
今回のレシピコーナーでは、夕飯のおかずにもう1品足したい!という時にオススメの超簡単な料理をお届けします。”whip up” は”英語で手早く作る”の意味。”you can whip up in minutes / no time (数分でできる/あっという間にできる)” などの表現は、レシピ記事のタイトルでよく使われています。
200 g raw salmon for sashimi
50 cc ponzu vinegar
50 cc extra virgin oil
2/1 freshly harvested onion, thin sliced
caper (preferable amount)
vegetables of your choice
(単語) juggle work and home life 仕事と家庭を両立させる、caper ケーパー , of your choice お好みの, ponzu vinegar ポン酢

Just 4 steps to cook! / たった4ステップで完成!
1. Put the thin sliced onions in water and then drain them in a colander.
2. shake ponzu vinegar and olive oil in a shaker or mix them well.
3. Slice raw salmon in 3 to 5 mm (0.1 – 0.2 in) thick.
4. place the sliced salmon, onions, vegetables on each plate. Pour the ponzu dressing on it and sprinkle capers on top
Instead of salmon, you can also use tuna, red sea bream, flatfish (hirame) , or any other fresh raw fish you desire. サーモンの他、マグロ、タイ、ヒラメなど新鮮な魚なら何でも合いますよ!
(単語)drain O in a colander コランダーに上げる、flatfish カレイ目の魚
Naoko-sensei’s Sasebo Star Cooking Class
Schedule: temporary closed due to the novel coronavirus situation
Time: from 10 am to 1 pm
Fee: 2500 yen for adult, 1500 yen (U 18), 1000 yen (U 15)
Place: Nishi-chiku Community Center (see the map below)
Contact and reservation :
英語で学べる料理教室「させぼスタークッキングクラス」は 西地区公民館で開催中。外国人と一緒に料理が学べますよ。
Naoko sensei’s Profile
Naoko Mori 森なおこ
‐Studied French cuisine under a former chief chef at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (ホテル椿山荘東京) for 3 years.
‐Acquired Japanese and herbal cuisine skills.
‐Cooking teacher for 10 years for Japanese and 7 years for Americans
‐Coordinating cooking classes for American cooking teachers