今まで見た中で最高!世界的ヒット曲”ダンスモンキー”のカバーを歌うのは佐世保出身のシンガーソングライターだった!【日本語訳付き】Tones and I – Dance Monkey【Best Cover by Japanese singer】

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先日Rie先生がSTAY HOMEでYouTubeをだらだらと見ていた時…耳にしたことのある曲が流れました。英語。洋楽のカバー。ピアノ弾き語り。そして…上手い!!発音も本物!雰囲気ドンピシャ!


The other day as Rie sensei was at home, killing time watching YouTube, she came across a song that she had heard of. The song was in English, and it was an acoustic cover with just a singer and a piano. And it was…. AMAZING!!! The voice perfectly matched to the atmosphere of the song.

Rie sensei got up to look closer and found out the singer was someone she knew, actually it was someone who had starred in one of Sasebo-ben videos for Echan! She’s a singer and songwriter from Sasebo and has also made the Japanese subtitles of the song herself in the video. So here it goes! Do check it out.


🦛【Dance Monkey / Tones and I】- Yoriko Singer and songwriter

カバーされている曲は Tones and I (トーンズ・アンド・アイ)というオーストラリア出身の19歳のシンガーが2019年6月にリリースした「Dance Monkey (ダンス・モンキー)」。世界中でプレイされ、大ヒット。Rie先生はAFNのラジオ(AMの1575kHz)でヘビロテされていたので知りました。ユニークな高音ボイスと、どこかメロウだけど乗りやすいダンスビートが病みつきなります。本家はコチラから。


The song is “Dance Monkey” released in June 2019 by a 19 year old Australian singer Tones and I. It was played literally everywhere around the world and became a smash hit. Rie sensei heard it on AFN radio (1575kHz on AM) as it was also aired almost everyday. The unique high pitch voice and the mellow upbeat tone are addictive and just make you want to… dance! Check original video from HERE.

The singer doing the cover is Yoriko, a singer-songwriter/radio DJ/MC/actress/model from Sasebo.
Do also check her Instagram and Facebook.

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